I have a venesection next Tuesday, my 4th since a diagnosis of Molecular Negative PV in August 2023.
1 and 2 were fine, nurses were surprised at how quickly I was through (approx 30m - less that 1 hr). Beginning of March I was in the chair for about 1hr 40m, and nurse let me go. As it looked obvious I couldn’t do 500ml, nurse hoped for 400ml, but gave up at 360ml. I thought I’d drunk enough water to aid process. I’m currently “watch and wait” and daily aspirin. My haematocrit is currently only slightly above - 0.47, if memory serves correctly.
Looking for any tips anyone may have, please. Don’t want a repeat again if I can help it!
N.B. I’m small, so Consultant Haematologist says I shouldn't need a venesection too often. I’m given a “squeeze ball” each time.