Hi, has anyone had a successful claim through Scottish widows for this? I was diagnosed back in December and have been told it is going to a senior doctor at Scottish widows as it is so rare? many thanks
Jak 2 diagnosis: Hi, has anyone had a successful... - MPN Voice
Jak 2 diagnosis

Hi how did you go about this I have had et Jak 2 positive since 1994 but nobody has ever mentioned about being able to claim for this I am on ESA and pip I don't have private pension but still got my company pension going but there has been a datebreach capita was in charge of it in July when happenedStay safe
Scottish terrier
I have ET triple negative and got a full payout on my Canada Life workplace critical illness policy within 4 weeks of notifying them of my claim, but only partial on my personal policy with Vitality. Vitality have been a disgrace to deal with and I am still arguing my case with them almost a year later. Their policy is ‘serious’ illness rather than critical which they say is why they pay out less because it allows you to claim more than once, but personally I have got the feeling they just don’t understand the condition.
if you can you should ask your consultant for a letter confirming that it is a rare blood cancer and name it as ET as it is specifically mentioned as a condition that is no longer excluded as per the British Board of Insurers standard cover guidelines.
Sorry, no experience with Scottish widows but I got my critical illness payout with Aviva almost 5 years ago. No fuss at all. I’ll keep my fingers crossed your situation will be similar 🤞🏼 Good luck with your claim.
Hi Can you advise was this through private medical company cover your claim and how do you go about making a claim. I was diagnosed in December 2023 , thank you
Oh I had no idea you could claim. Are you claiming through your life insurance or medical insurance? X
Critical illness policy
Thank you does that mean you can no longer work , excuse my ignorance I am learning so much from this forum as diagnosis came as a real shock after having full bloods done last August for another issue , thanks
thanks for reply . My critical insurance has just changed to Vitality in January through work and I read from one of the replies they have not been good to deal with . I will contact my consultant in Aberdeen and ask if she can give me a letter confirming diagnosis , any suggestions on wording that would help with claim would be appreciated from anyone xx
I attempted to claim with Aviva 7 years ago and was turned down as they said that it wasn't a condition specified on my life and critical illness policy - then 18 mnths ago it was actually my consultant who mentioned, shame that you didnt have a policy .... I explained I did and had been turned down, she gave me the confidence/impetus to look into it again and at that point Aviva (after 7 weeks of 'looking into it' )decided to pay out. From what I gather the decision in recent years to classify MPNs as a 'cancer' has made this cut and dried in terms of claiming on such policies. Good luck Jackie.
thank you all for your replies I will look into this , have a nice day x
Very helpful, thanks everyone x
Hi, yes, claimed from Scottish Widows in 2018 on my critical illness policy. Paid in full after consultant confirmed diagnosis. I would never have considered it if it wasn't for this forum! Good luck x
Hi, there are useful previous posts on this forum that link to an ABI update statement that detailed how providers should treat MPNs for Cancer Critical illness claims. While it still depends on the individual T&Cs of your specific policy / start date, and the latest ABI guidelines, if you submit a copy of the MPN specific ABI statement to SW, along with your consultant letter saying you have ET/ MPN, it should help ensure SW consider it. (It worked for me with widows.)
I think last posts on topic have it linked in a post about a year ago.
Good luck!
I am with beagle life insurance, I have jak 2 positive and E.T they paid out my critical life insurance no problem, good luck