Hello all, thanks for taking the time to read this. I’ve been on watch and wait for 2 years now, without a formal diagnosis (my platelets have between 500-600) with some other minor blood counts out of range too.
After a stay in hospital due to my gallbladder, I had to do a blood test two weeks after being home to make sure my infection markers were down; everything was fine, except my platelets have jumped to 950. I told my haematologist and he said he’ll see me in 2 weeks as we already had an appointment then.
My question is, did anyone start treatment when their platelets were around 950? My GP seemed really concerned, but said to see what the haematologist recommends. Is it normal to continue on watch and wait with platelets this high, or in the grand scheme of things is it not a big deal?
Sorry for the ramble, if you can please advise I’d be so grateful! Kind regards x