hello friends, anyone have an idea why my wbc would keep climbing ? My doctor can’t figure it out either . End of August was in the 30’s, testing each week and went into 40’s then 50’s and now I’m at 56 ! Now starting Jakafi to try to lower it.
wbc keeps climbing: hello friends, anyone have an... - MPN Voice
wbc keeps climbing

In the absence of an infection, the increased leukocytosis is likely a function of the PV. The JAK2 mutation can cause elevation in any of the blood cell lines. It makes sense to try the Jakafi. If that does not work, then you could consider Besremi. Note that my WBCs have been reduced while on Besremi, which we have to monitor as some of the WBCs are lower than the reference range.
Wishing you all the best.
I've been on jakavi/ruxolitinib, whichever you prefer to call it for about 4 years now and my whites hover around 27-30 unless I'm poorly in which case they go 35-45 my consultant just says it goes with the territory so I've stopped worrying about it now.
thanks Carol for that information . Hope you’re doing well
Hi. I know how you feel. My WCC has always been my problem area. I am working my way towards the high 30's now and take hydroxycarbamide. Haematologist increased the dose and my first blood test afterwards was 28 so I was happy it was going in the right direction, but the next one was back to the mid-30's. It bothers me tbh. I am hoping to speak to an MPN specialist soon with a view to try something different. I would be interested to know how you get on with Jakafi - I think its only just been approved here so I am not sure when it will be available. I hope you get there and your WCC comes down.
thanks MWxxxx,