From our friends at MPN Advocacy & Education International. This webinar is definitely worth watching.
Conversations with MPN Specialists: What You Nee... - MPN Voice
Conversations with MPN Specialists: What You Need to Know About Polycythemia Vera
Thanks as always for the good info.
A large note discussed is that the next 10 years will make some of today's prognoses obsolete.
Lots of work in basic understanding making this possible that is not visible to regular people. I've seen these sorts of studies, quite dense and inscrutable.
The 1st context was for younger pts, they should not feel limited by what they see now since the future will be so different.
Immunotherapy is the big ticket, 1st for CALR. We've posted on these.
He said that there are actual concepts right now for accurately targeting Jak2 allele rather than just all Jak2s, presumably via these immune therapy concepts.
Thanks Hunter, as usual really good information on p.v. And good to hear from both the doctors and researchers on what there is along the line. Thanks. Janicd
I am grateful for you Hunter. It was great.
I watched this too and it raised a few points that I shall look further in to. All that knowledge flowing so freely!