People with pv , how many years into diagnosis did you experience itching?Anyone 10 years or more into the disease and still experience it with controlled hematocrit?
How bad is the itching?: People with pv , how many... - MPN Voice
How bad is the itching?

I had terrible itching until I got on Jakafi, which is expensive on Medicare. But it was uncontrolled before, even when I was taking Atarax 3-4 times/day. When it was awful, I took Emend, which is also expensive. Itching is terrible! Nothing topic works for me.
my itching started a good 2-3 ye as es beforehand and I was told it could be expression of inner turmoil not worked out from childhood 🥹. Found a cream I get sent from the Netherlands (Fagron, cooling salve) that calmed it considerably - and like chicagopv now on Jakafi it has stopped, with just an occasional flare up….
I must have itched for at least 10 years before being diagnosed with PV and continued to itch for the 2 years I was on hydroxy. When I changed to ruxolitinib the itching stopped.
How do you describe your itch?I'm having weird sensations like prickly and pins needles
Just normal itching, but of course the more you scratch the more you itch and so the cycle gets worse. I have had on rare occasions a feeling like standing on needles on the soles of my feet, particularly the heels but I think this may be a different issue although somehow connected to the pv
Itching since 2007 diagnosed 2019 , hemocrict controlled.
the itch will probably continue until treated, I have never heard of it going away otherwise, I have heard of someone who had PV for more than 10 years with no itch and then it started, personally I have not noticed any correlation between Hct and itching, I controlled severe itching with daily UVB for about 10 years until I started on Rux
Hi Xuzy
I have PV and started with monthly phlebotomy but eventually switched to Pegasys. It has been almost a year now and I still get the itch but it is so much lighter and controlled.
I take Quercetin 250 mg one-in the morning and once before bed. It gets absorbed better with some oil so I take it with a cup of herbal tea with a teaspoon of MCT oil in it. Nettle tea also helps. It is a histamine reaction for the most part in me. The over the counter drugs did not help. It was a very strong reaction about a year ago but has lighted considerably and is controlled now. I also use lotions and cream on my arms and legs where the reaction is the worst. No more showers instead a few very hot baths are now part of my weekly routine. My doctors all know of my herbal support and are okay with it. I am healthy and happy otherwise. 🙏🙂
I was having severe itching and actual welts on by back when in the shower during the month I was diagnosed, first thought it was ET, turns out it was really PV. We thought it was due to the detergent used for washing clothes. We changed detergent and I have not had the itching or welts since. It's been 5 years now with no itching. Best to you.
Like a lot of the others my itching was stopped by Rux. I itched for 4 years before diagnosis and continued to itch another 2 on hydroxy. It was a terrible time and I'll take the fatigue, breathlessness, night sweats, weight gain rather than itching.
I think I started itching about a year or so before Diagnosis, it increased to the point of every night scratching to the point of drawing blood. I then found a Cream ‘Ceteraben’ and a nightly pill of Cetirizine and it stopped. Thank goodness because I was convinced I’d reach the bone one day with my scratching. I’ve got ET jak2 on HydroxyCarbamide.
I had itching for about 2 years prior to diagnosis with PV. Always much worse after showering.
I was on hydroxy plus occasional venesection for about 5 years and still had itching again especially after showering even with well controlled haematocrit.
Changed to Interferon about a year ago. No change with itching.
Recently read about beta alanine. Tried this and…..
No itching after showering. I’ve had 3 showers this week and not even the slightest itch. So lovely.
Hi Nick, can I ask how much Beta-Alanine you are taking? And when do you take it?