I am ETJAK2+ and don't suffer with itching so can't speak from experience but I am wondering could this itching some MPNers are suffering from be caused by heavy metal toxicity. This would explain why the itching happens when water gets on the skin. Water and metals conduct electricity and maybe the itching is caused by electrical conductivity. I am just throwing an idea in the ring. Good news is that it is possible to detox and the Internet is full of advice on that.
Is itching caused by heavy metal toxicity - MPN Voice
Is itching caused by heavy metal toxicity

That’s a really interesting theory! I’d do anything to relieve the itching and I’ll now explore heavy metals and how to detox and see if it improves the skin discomfort.
Thank you!
I believe it's caused by histamine release from mast cells.
The"itch" can also be triggered by changes in temperature and draughts. Hard to see how heavy metals could be involved with these stimuli.
Some people find that exposure to the sun is helpful but that is not so easy during the winter months.
Searching the Internet for a "detox" solution is almost certainly a waste of time and potentially harmful.
You are right. Detox needs very careful supervision. It must be done in the right order and at the right time else it could get rid of our meds, which we also need. Just one example: If there’s mercury, there is Candida. Candida loves to soak up mercury. If you try to kill the Candida, the mercury poisons you further and hides in organs or your brain. If you detox the mercury, the Candida freaks out and start to produce ammonia and other nasty substances that make you very sick. You need a diagnosis and then a careful start, using natural substances over a long period of time: 6 moths-one year- two years. I’ve been detoxing for almost 20 months. All my amalgams will finally be out by January. Detox will continue until next summer. Slowly but surely.
Thanks for the information. My late husband had candida amongst other things. Doctors did not know what was wrong with him and then he died. Knowing what I know now maybe something more could have been done to help him. He was only 70 when he died. He worked as a builder, maybe he got toxins in his body that way. I have been detoxing with fresh coriander, spirulina, barley grass juice. sea kelp, l-acetylcysteine, MSM, l-glutamine, l-lysine. I did tell the nutritionist at Guys I was taking these. None of them are particularly expensive. Fresh Coriander is well known for its cleansing quality. I buy a bunch of it at an Asian shop for £0.69 and put it in my smoothie. I think I have done about right, I have been seeing the benefits of it.
Also I have been mindful of EMF. I bought an earthing sheet for my bed and I thing called Geomack or something like that which is supposed to protect the whole house against EMF. These items are expensive and a bit of an investment. I am also thinking of getting Dyson Air Purifier. The hot weather combined with air pollution is getting more unbearable year after year.
Dear Searcher 56,
Im so very sorry about the loss of your husband. It is frustrating to know that maybe something so simple could have helped him. Candida is almost never looked at unless it becomes systemic and then it can kill the person. This is a real deficit in medicine.
My tiny 2 yr old daughter got rheumatism in the ankles and eyes cause by the tick vaccine against meningitis in Austria. She had Candida from the minute she was born. Her intestines were completely out of whack. As I kept repeating the symptoms, the „top“ doctor said, „It’s nothing. Some babies are that way“. I kept searching for answers. Thank God for Internet! I always refused to give her methotrexate (a form of chemo) to slam her immune system. As she was 4+, the doctor almost punched me for refusing. I was the only „mother“ not to conform. The anti-inflammatories damaged her intestines even worse. I got her rheumatism into remission by diet. 4 years later she went off the diet and it returned. Back on the diet, it went away. After other main stream health failures, I learned to dig deep and never stop digging. God gave us everything we need to cure ourselves. We just have to find it and use it! Mainstream doctors are great for emergencies.
You are doing a great job detoxing! Wow! Really impressive. Just make sure your elimination pathways are always flowing to eliminate daily whatever you are extracting from your body.
The EMF stuff doesn’t really work. Turning off the wifi and not being near a cell tower is better. Air purifiers are soooo important if you live in the city! Do get one. Make sure it has a coal filter, has a night mode so it runs quite silently and saves electricity and it should be big enough for the m2 you are covering. A good water filter is also essential. You should never try to save money on these. They are abgerät investment.
So glad to hear you are taking charge of your health. Bravo! Anag
Lots of interesting information. I just love reading about health care and the new research that is happening in the world. I am currently reading a book called "Toxic: Heal Your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lime Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Chronic Environmental Illness" by Dr Neil Nathan. There are many unfortunate individuals with mystery symptoms misjudged as malingerers or having it "all in the head" by the medical profession and even by their families and friends. Dr Nathan has seen these mystery symptoms becoming more and more common and he has set out to help people suffering from these newly appearing symptoms.
What is interesting is that, like you mentioned, detoxing has to be done very carefully. I did not know that but then I didn't really have any symptoms. What is good news is that it is possible to heal from mold toxicity and other chemical sensitivities with the right medication. Many doctors have not even heard of mold toxicity.
Thanks again for your insights.
Hi Searcher,
sounds like you are reading a great book. I had mold toxicity about 19 years ago. It creative havoc in my life. I also have KPU, Kryptopyrrolurie. Few doctors know what it is. It is shocking how little doctors know about real basics concerning health. Like food. The Pharma industry makes sure that doctors don’t learn about them.
My body have difficulties detoxing. My mom had the same and my 15 yr old daughter has it also. Our system gets rid of B6, Zinc and Mangan, which are needed for detoxing. Apparently 1/10 women have it and 1/100 men. I am very sensitive to all meds (and everything) and they hang around in my body longer. I’ve always needed much less meds than others for them to work. Now I do supplements to help support my detoxing. Getting my amalgams out has been challenging, but it’s happening. Finally. I have 6 more teeth to go!
Getting rid of toxins stuck in the body, along with mold, bad bacteria, unwanted parasites (some are actually doing us favours), retroviruses, etc. Enable the body to help itself as nature intended. The first rule is to not let toxins in. I’m a fury when it comes to eating clean and I’ve removed all non organic cleaners and cosmetics in my house. I’m thankful that living in Vienna, we live next the the Vienna woods and we have the best water of any big city in the world. Water is usually the main source of toxin intake along with air.
Please share wonderful things that you learn with us!! Anag
Our itch is from an over production of histamine. The itch for PV is a well known symptoms for a high percentage of patients. The itch can also be produced by many other things, for example symptoms from certain drugs.
Interesting, I suffer greatly when bitten by midges. The site swellS and is got to touch it can last about a week. I wonder if it’s because of my ET.
It's caused by heat and sweat. Though I haven't felt the itch while working out... Haven't really been working out though. I feel it when in sleeping too long because of the memory foam bed I have, and when I shower... So I don't shower as much.