Has anyone had mf for a long time and does treatment stop progression, thinking about starting medication which i think is my only option Thank you
myelofibrosis : Has anyone had mf for a long time... - MPN Voice

Hi Glydale, I have had primary MF for 19 years, picked up by a routine blood test at age 40, with no symptoms. Have been on low dose aspirin and Hydroxycarbamide for 18 1/2 years now, with no disease progression.
oh thanks for replying,im not officially diagnosed yet but my platelets are now normal,slightly low hb and slightly enlarged spleen and of course fatigue,so i think i will be started on treatment i think i need to stop googling mf because the prognosis frightened me,so i will stick to sites like this which sound more positive. Thanks again.
Thank you for sharing that, glad to hear your MF is not progressing. I’m a 46 year old man living in Canada who was recently diagnosed with MF. Like yourself, I don’t really have any symptoms. My doctor has suggested putting me on hydrox but currently I’m not on any treatment. The driver mutation I have is CALR+ which I’m told can be important to the prognosis and treatment plan. Can I ask if you know which driver mutuation (if any) you have? Thanks in advance.
I remember you said you are seeing your consultant this week. I think it's important that you wait for this consultation before you assume that you have MF. Why spend time worrying and googling before you know anything is wrong.
hello Glyndale, my husband was diagnosed with Myleofibrosis after pre -op blood tests for a knee replacement just over a year ago. The knee replacement operation did not go ahead. he had no symptoms so this diagnosis came as quite a shock. He currently has hemotologist appointment every 16 weeks and only takes aspirin. He has itchy skin and sweats sometimes. He has lost weight too but not sure if this is
connected but still doing ok which we hope continues. He does get stressed with worrying about what will happen to him next. He stopped using google as this made him worse. We live in Northumberland, England.
Take Care
Thank you. we will look at Facebook. Take care. Xx
Hi Glyndale,
Can you offer any follow-up?
Specifically, what happened at your consultant appointment?
Hi Glyndale,
Good to hear that, thanks for the update!
The day that I had mine was not the best day I ever had, but it was not the worst one either- waiting for the results may have been the worst part though.
It's the definitive way to know for sure what's going on and what stage it is at.