I've been experiencing this lately. It was paticularly bad in the winter but is still there in the warmer weather. I'm guessing that this may be a circulatory issue reltaed to PV. Any thoughts?
PV: cold extremities: I've been experiencing this... - MPN Voice
PV: cold extremities
I experienced this when I became extremely iron deficient due to the therapeutic phlebotomies. It is better now that my iron levels are higher.
You will find others with PV who also experience cold intolerance. It is reasonable to wonder about potential microvascular issues. You can run this search and cross PV and Reynaud's Syndrome for some answers.
Hi, I have PV with the same issue. Last year diagnosed with Raynauds but Rheumatology and Heamotology are 100% sure. Been told to keep my eye on it.It could be connected to PV but no real proof to go by. An Heamotologist also mentioned that PV (Not sure about other mpn's) can cause similar to this but extremely rare.
Reynaud's is not common with PV but is known to occur. It is noted in the literature. hindawi.com/journals/crim/2...
Thank you interesting read.