I have experienced what may be arthralgia as a Besremi adverse effect. here is the exchange with the MPN Specialist on this topic.
ME Just a head up. I increased the dose of Besremi to 150mcg on 05/25. Prior, I had experienced some unexplained pain in the right achilles tendon that I thought was just a slight tweak. Yesterday I developed significant pain in right knee for no apparent reason. Suspect this may be arthralgia from the Besremi. Planning to stop into Urgent Care to have it looked at. Doubting they will see much, but want to rule out another cause.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
ME I did stop into Urgent Care today to have knee assessed. X-ray show some arthritis (already existing) but no sign of apparent trauma. There is some slight swelling in the knee. The NP could not determine if this is just an arthritis flare or a Besremi-induced arthralgia. She was not clear is a Besremi AE would just affect one joint. Makes me wonder about a "weak organ" phenomena. I have required hyaluronic acid injections in the knees. If it is a Besremi AE, maybe it just showed up first at the weakest point. Or it really is unrelated.
Always, your thought are appreciated.
MPN Specialist Certainly possible that it is Besremi. This is a relatively common side effect. If it continues, try going back down to 125mcg and see if that helps. Side effects are usually dose dependent.
At this point it is not clear whether these events were due to the Besremi or an unrelated issue. In both of these events, the symptom resolved on its own in about 2 days. I had the X-rays sent to my orthopedist for review. We will see what he says. I may opt for another round of hyaluronic acid injections into the knee. I do have significant arthritis in both knees related to prior injuries/surgeries. Getting a periodic "lube job" on my knees is already a part of my ongoing care plan. Even if this was a Besremi adverse effect, I am thinking that I need to give my knees the best chance possible to not be a problem.
I will continue with the plan for 150mcg Besremi. My last CBC still shows HCT at 46.5%. I really do not want to drop my iron levels again since I feel so much better with iron restored. If the arthralgia keeps flaring, I will drop to 125mcg as the MPN-doc suggests. If the HCT stays up, I am thinking about trying a mini-phlebotomy (250ml). Maybe I can nudge the HCT down enough to give the Besremi more time to work.
All the best to all of you all.