Does anyone know as yet the effect of cancellation of all non urgent blood testing throughout the UK due to major shortage of phials until at least mid September, then onwards with a significant shortage, will affect all MPN patients? I know this is difficult to answer but are we classified as non urgent.
blood testing: Does anyone know as yet the effect... - MPN Voice
blood testing
I have a blood test booked for next week with no problems.Are you due a blood test within the next few weeks? I’m sure if it’s needed it will be done.
I've had many blood tests over the past few months, some relating to my MPN, some not, and I have another FBC booked for next week. I can't imagine that this would affect those with an MPN, as our illness is blood related.
I'm due one tomorrow. Will let you know.
I had my usual bloods last Monday and they said they were running low and therefore taking less blood than they usually take.
I only had two small tubes rather than the larger ones.
I’ve just started interferon so more regular blood tests are required.
Hope all continues to progress well with you. Im a month in on hydroxy and was told needs to be monitored every two to three weeks so will see how we go.
I had my bloods and cross match yesterday at the hospital. The phlebotomist said GP’s are short of phials but they are not (yet!)
I asked the phlebotomist about this yesterday. He said that he thought it wouldn't affect people in our position.
I had a blood sample taken yesterday and they had lots of phiels in all colours and said they are ok.
Bloods taken today, 5 phials (an armful!). The nurse said there is a problem which is global and down to the supplier. But obviously OK for me today.