My haematologist receptionist phoned and said doctor wanted to change my appointment till after I had my scan to check my spleen ! My original appointment is for the 10th August and my scan is for the 18th , I told her that I have a lot of side effects going on and feel I need to start some kind of treatment sooner rather than later . Her response was have you been to your GP, well no I haven't because what could doctor possibly give me for MF!! Anyways I told her no I want to keep my appointment on the 10th .
Should I wait ?: My haematologist receptionist... - MPN Voice
Should I wait ?

I understand your desire to keep your earlier appointment but, if it was me, I would choose to wait until after the scan because the spleen size will help the haematologist decide on the best drug and the dose. However, your peace of mind is equally important so if you feel strongly, I think you are right to ask for what you prefer.
Best of luck, I understand, as I also have post ET MF, Jennie
Hi Jenny, I understand that but I don't feel well, i have so many pains going on in my body, I am so tired but can't sleep , I get really hot, my legs ache and feel like lead weights also sometimes feel numb , headaches, the list is endless! If they need me to get my spleen checked then send me along tomorrow while I am there . I have tried to keep it together up till now I don't think i can wait any longer .Just hope whatever medication I get puts an end to some of these problems that I am experiencing 😕
It could be in your best interest for the haematologist to have all available results ahead of seeing you. Easy for me to say and it’s tough for you, I know, but I’d be asking to be seen asap after the scan is done.
I had a similar experience recently with delayed test results and my appointment was put back. It would have been difficult for the haematologist to advise or answer most of my questions had the original appointment gone ahead without those results. And yes, even though it wasn’t a very long wait for the new appointment my anxiety and frustration at the time was awful.
It’s frustrating, but not a bad idea to wait. It’s only a few days away and then your doctor can get a better picture of what is going on, as Jennie said, decide on the best treatment plan. Hang in there.
Best wishes,
Sorry, I meant to say a few weeks away.