Originally diagnosed w ET. Was on HU and then taken off after 18 mos due to anemia. Platelets have remained low normal but HCT have continued to drop. Anemia not iron related. Now Dr has mentioned BMB for MDS or post ET MF? What the h**? Is MDS still a MPN? Seems like opposite?
MDS?: Originally diagnosed w ET. Was on HU and... - MPN Voice

Sorry I can’t help best to ask the doctor. Meanwhile I send you my best wishes
Hi there, MDS is not an MPN, but I have seen on here people with MDS/MPN crossover, so I'm guessing there's some connection there. Incidentally, my friend's husband has MDS and is doing well. He needs to have blood transfusions every two to three months when his counts drop too low. Other than that, he seems to be doing well enough. An anxious time for you but I think it's best to wait for the BMB results (easier said than done, I know) and then take it from there. Write down a list of the questions you have and take it with you the next time you see your doctor. Best wishes. Liz
MDS and MPN are two separate sets of blood-based diseases, but there is such a thing as MDS/MPN Overlap. This is very rare, but it does occur. What you are describing could be progression into MF, which is why a BMB is indicated to make a proper diagnosis.
I hope you get a clear answer soon. All the best to you.
You will be in thoughts and prayers. Please let us know what your learn. We all benefit from the shared experiences. We are stronger together.