Checking in Time to all my Blood Sisters & Broth... - MPN Voice

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Checking in Time to all my Blood Sisters & Brother’s 🌹

Phelpsy profile image
24 Replies

How’s everyone feeling with the release of our Shielding coming up ?

From 16 March I’ve done my time indoors

Staying safe 💙,I’m feeling very uneasy about the big world out there ,

Lots of disappointments over the month for us all I would imagine.

We had our Daughters wedding cancelled ( now rescheduled to next June )

Upsetting time & the difficult part was she’s in Scotland & I’ve not seen her for

5 Month ( She’s been Supportive during Covid for DR & Nurses ( running her first Hub )

Couldn’t be more proud of her ,

And her Partner who is in his first year of a Junior Nurse 💙

(So next week the dreaded day of what would been wedding)

We are off near the Lakes Penrith

I’m so excited to see them

But nw it’s going to be a difficult time knowing it should of been their Big day

But celebrate we will be 🎉🌈💙🙏

For 2 Days with

My 2 Girls together will be Paradise 💓💗💕 Xxx

Love to you all

stay safe 🌹🌈💙🙏

PAM xxxxxxx

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Phelpsy profile image
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24 Replies
Nickthedevil profile image

Have a fantastic time Pam. It will be amazing xxx

Phelpsy profile image
Phelpsy in reply to Nickthedevil

Thanks Karen ,

Hope your keeping fit & Well x

Nickthedevil profile image
Nickthedevil in reply to Phelpsy

Broke my wrist Pam on my first venture out in the big bad world! Had to have surgery to wire it back together. Just what I need after being stuck at home for so long X

Phelpsy profile image
Phelpsy in reply to Nickthedevil

Awwwww NO you must give up the Rum lol , so sorry to hear this

Karen you really can do without that

Sending you big warm virtual hugs

My friend xxx

Nickthedevil profile image
Nickthedevil in reply to Phelpsy

Thank you Pam. Hugs to you too xxx

IrishSarah profile image

It’s funny how we’ve all somewhat adjusted to ‘covid-life’ and then something pops up, like a cancellation of something we’ve been planning for, to remind us how odd and upsetting these times are! I hope the day doesn’t turn out to be as difficult as you’re expecting it to be Pam 💚

Party aside, wedding days are such a special opportunity to celebrate two people you love, how wonderful that your close family gets to do it twice! No doubt you’ll make lots of special memories on their mini wedding day. I hope you enjoy every minute of your reunion and that the happy hero couple get a well deserved rest!

Phelpsy profile image
Phelpsy in reply to IrishSarah

Awwww thanks

I’m sure we will make up for it all

next June , xxx

Superwoman profile image

Hi Pam, what a time you will have seeing your daughters, hope you have a great time.

Know how you feel about coming out of lockdown bit worrying, but we can’t lock ourselves away for ever, mind you it has felt like forever already, especially with my own daughter now in lockdown for own her safety before her operation on the 28th July for her cancer Parosteal Osteosarcoma in her thigh, so where I thought that I could go and help out I cannot as they have got to do it as a whole family with nobody else allowed to come into contact with her and then another two weeks after she comes home, all really strict not sure how they can do this with really young children.

Anyway enjoy your time with your family.


Stevesmum42 profile image
Stevesmum42 in reply to Superwoman

Hello Jean.

Wishing you all the best for your daughters operation ...I hope all goes perfectly , . And her recovery is speedy.

Hugs Sandy.x

Phelpsy profile image
Phelpsy in reply to Superwoman

Hi Jean

Thank you

Lovely to hear from you ,

Sorry to hear about daughter

Such a worry for you

Hope She’ll soon be feeling better and back to her normal self x

You will have to ring ,FaceTime ,

& write her a letter, you soon be back together again .

Take care

Pam x

Stevesmum42 profile image

That’s wonderful Pam.

Sorry to hear their wedding had to be cancelled such a disappointment for you all. But you will have a wonderful time with your girls you all deserve it..😃🌲🌳🌾☀️🍷🍾🥂Have fun

ENJOY. love Sandy xx

Kiki64 profile image

Hi phelpsy.

Thank you very much for your great post

It’s nice to know you have happy things on the horizon .

I am a front line worker, so at times it has been tough.

I think it’s very comforting calling us all your blood brothers and sisters

It made me realise I’m not alone in this journey

Take care and best wishes you blood

Sister Kiki 64❤️

JediReject profile image

Hi Pam always good to hear from you, , albeit I'm sorry that the planned nuptials have been postponed, let's hope things are much better by the time they tie the knot and im sure your family will make up for lost time.

It's quite scary in a way venturing out and about for first few times post lockdown. You may have read my post about my experience. I just needed to get out for my sanity and though Im careful by wearing my mask, shopping at quiet times and distancing best I can, I still feel a tad vulnerable and know it's likely more of a risk for me than most of the other folk.

To balance that it feels good to be able to do our own shopping and it's helping me deal with my loss of freedom in other areas of my life.

Enjoy your party in Penrith with your Princesses !

Regards - Chris xx

Phelpsy profile image
Phelpsy in reply to JediReject

Always a pleasure to hear from you lad .

Just had read of your post ,

Disappointing isn’t it some people haven’t a clue .

Thanks for the lovely message x

Take care x

Ps I’m still 🏃🏻‍♀️ lol

beetle profile image

Hi Pam. I fully sympathise as my son’s wedding was also cancelled and the day it should have been was strange. My future daughter in law discovered she was pregnant a few weeks before the intended wedding so she now says it cannot go ahead until she can get back into the dress!

I am also making plans to see my grandchildren in August some time which is scary but the Covid rate in the South West is low although that could change with the influx of tourists

The Lake District is beautiful and I wish you all a great time with your reunion xx

Phelpsy profile image
Phelpsy in reply to beetle

Hi thanks for you reply

So no wedding , But a baby

How wonderful for you All x

I’m sure the wedding will come around quicker than you think especially with your grandchild on way x Congrats .

Yes it’s been a awful time the last few month , But my daughter keeps me going

Her words to me are

Mam it is what it is ,

God love her x

She’s been up in Scotland & us in Newcastle

During the Covid .. 18 hr shifts as Dr now she’s been doing & her Partner constant night shifts as a Mental health Nurse ,

So Proud we are

What a party next weekend

When we eventually meet up after 6 months 🎉🍷💕🌈💙🙏

Social distancing obviously xx

Take care x

mhos61 profile image

Hi Pam, enjoy your family gathering. 🥰

Phelpsy profile image
Phelpsy in reply to mhos61


Thanks so kind ,

Good to hear from you

It’s been a year 2020 we will never forget x

From the loss of our Beautiful blood sister

To Covid & cancelled wedding plans x

Could never of predicted this

Hope your well

Love Pam x

Sweetlucy profile image

I ventured out yesterday to pick up a prescription from the chemist a five minute walk away. My first trip outside since March. I was shocked how busy it was in the main Street. Lots of traffic and people. No one was wearing a mask or social distancing. Groups of middle Eastern men in large groups gathering around a car accident. They are either ignorant or don't care. I follow the daily rate of confirmed case in my borough and it is going up. An increase of over 100 in a couple of weeks. I'm on no rush to go out again. We might be in for a local lockdown.

Phelpsy profile image
Phelpsy in reply to Sweetlucy

Hi I totally agree with you

not many people are taking this serious.

Like you I’ve only ventured out for daily walks & the local store , with my mask & Gel , Are you in UK ?

We need to stay in small groups only

And stay home much as possible for me anyway.

Stay safe x

Sweetlucy profile image
Sweetlucy in reply to Phelpsy

Yes in London UK. There have been illegal raves near me with police being attacked as they try to close them down. Perhaps time to move!

Cja1956 profile image

I’m so happy that you are able to see your daughters again. I’m in the US and I only saw my daughter once on Mother’s Day back in May. It was pouring rain and at the time our building wasn’t allowing visitors. We had to sit in her car, no hugs, with masks, and FaceTime with my son in New York. I live in Florida where COVID-19 has been seeing about 10,000 new cases per day. I haven’t seen my son in 7 months.

I did get to see my sister and her family for Father’s Day last month, but again, no hugs and social distancing.

Very strange times we are living in. Have fun with your daughters, Hopefully, a vaccine will come through soon.

Best wishes,


lizzziep profile image

Enjoy your time with your daughters. We haven't seen our youngest son and family since October. They live nearly 300 miles away from us and we should have gone down to see them just as lockdown started. We're hoping to go next month sometime if we can get a dog sitter, we'd got a dog friendly cottage booked (got a full refund) but now they're all booked up and very expensive as it is school holidays. So we'll stay with them, our dogs are elderly and our son has a large boisterous dog so we don't want to take them to his house. Thank goodness for technology at least we can see and talk regularly via facetime. We saw our eldest son last week, he was doing a charity bike ride that came through our area so we met up with him then. Not seen our 16 year old grandson in the flesh since March. I've very cautiously been out a few times, just to local shops, I never thought I'd approach a post office counter wearing a mask! I have no intention of visiting large supermarkets or busy indoor areas. I used to go swimming but I don't want to go there either. A friend went to a large shopping mall for her eyes testing and ended coming home as it was so busy and no-one wearing masks or distancing. Stay safe. X.

Phelpsy profile image

I understand all you are feeling

Thank goodness for technology

I totally agree, ,

We have all gone through so much

Over the last 5 months ,

It’s all about taking baby steps

As from the 1st Aug we are no longer Shielding, ,

But it’s not that easy after being indoors since the 16 th March ,

We can’t just stop the clock

I’ve been very careful & will continue to be

Until a vaccine is found ,

I put a mask on like I do make up !!

Online shopping only

And staying in much as physically possible

We are going have live with this for a long time , Take Care .x

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