Hi. Has anyone heard or read anything about Jedi Reject? I worry when he’s been gone for a length of time so any info you have will be appreciated. Thanks. Katie
Jedi Reject: Hi. Has anyone heard or read anything... - MPN Voice
Jedi Reject

Yes me too Katie. I was just thinking about him this morning 😊
Hi Katie
Yes I have he's OK at the moment I'm sure he'll see this and answer you
Helen xx
Good question Katie. I thinking the same but great if he’s fine. Kind regards Aime xx😻😻
Hello Katie et al , , I'm still, alive and kicking I'm pleased to say. . . And I'm in a reasonably good place if I don't stop to think about it too long. , , , Was at clinic a few days back and my GVHD remains active so upped my immuno-suppressant a tad which isnt the norm after 3 and a half years but it's not going without a fight.
Still got issues but who hasn't ?
For those who recall it , , Just watching a re-run of Heartbeat on ITV 3 or as our Grand- daughter calls it 'Gipper Hour' cheeky Madam , , but she has a point. Whatever you can't knock the classic 60s soundtrack , , well before my time of course but my wife knows em all !! (always said she cradle snatched me😂😂)
Regards - Chris x
Glad to see the immuno suppressants haven’t got rid of your sense of humour. 😁 I used to love Heartbeat and the 60’s music was just the best!
As you can see we all worry about you and you really should make a note in your diary to give a post on a regular basis 😇
Much love to you and Kate, keep up the fight!
Judy xx
Great to hear from you Chris......I too was concerned re our lack of Jedi. I echo what Judy says ....we miss you when you are quiet.
Keep that sabre glowing brightly.
Love Sandy xx
I agree with you and your ways! Keep well and keep enjoying your life and being a beacon and model for so many! I hope you feel the love coming back from us! About 4 months after my diagnosis, I started really enjoying my life and started living consciously, being grateful for everything that I have and it’s incredible what that does to others. God bless!
Great to hear from you Chris. I love 60s music too. Like Judys idea for you to post so we know you are alright. Even if you just put “ok” that would be great. Kindest regards to you both Aime xx😻😻
Dear Chris, As always you display an amazing attitude despite your present situation. It was really kind of you to write. We all think about you, worry and wonder how you are. I’m in the US & will check to see if we get Heartbeat. Besides being old gippers ourselves, I do love 60’s music. Don’t know if medical marijuana could help you (or if it’s available in England) but I’ve seen a few on here saying it’s helped them. Sending you a bunch of strength and fondness to help you through this rough time. XXOO Katie
Hi Chris, really good to hear from you. Like the others, I think about you often and wonder how you are doing. Sorry to hear that the GVHD is still giving you problems - 3.5 yrs is such a long time, but glad to see that sense of humour has not deserted you. Much love to you and your family, Karen x
Hey Thanks everyone for your best wishes. . . And Thanks Kattie and Judy for reminding me to keep in touch and to the others who said the same, , , , as my old school reports oft quoted "must do better" or "needs to knuckle down and pay more attention in class" . . . Ive never changed. However I will do my best to keep you all updated. .
To that end I have eye clinic tomorrow where I'm going to enquire about cornea grafts as my left eye is poor in spite of cataract removal. Also I need a tad more laser on my right to polish some cells away that have adhered to my lens capsule and are blocking more light getting in. This is noticeable at night when the light is off and there is a temporary dark shadow obscuring my vision till it adjusts to the darkness.
Good Night Friends
Chris x
I was only joking Chris, I know you pop up when you can.😁
Ah, school reports... mine used to say, Judith has a tendency to chatter 😂
Hope you get a visit from the Easter Bunny. Xx
No my friend it's a point well made, , , and may the Easter Bunny hop along to you too. . We're having a egg hunt for the Grandkids on Friday which should be fun , , x