Did phlebotomy reduced your headache ?
Headache and phlebotomy : Did phlebotomy reduced... - MPN Voice
Headache and phlebotomy

Hi, yes my headaches go away quite soon after my blood being removed. As does the brain fog. Kind regards Aime xx😺😺
Mine is not going
Hi, it’s always best to get new or long lasting symptoms checked out as it’s very easy to place all the blame on your illness. Best to see your GP or clinic nurse. Kindest regards Aime xx😸
I think you are right
How long you are having this problem
I don't have PV but I have erythrocytosis btw.
Hi, I was originally diagnosed with PV in 2012 but was rediagnosed last November with idiopathic erythrocytosis, which basically means I have too many red blood cells, I’m negative to jak2 and Xeon mutations but they don’t know why.
Hope you get rid of your headaches soon.
Kindest regards Aime xx😺
I was diagnosed with PV. My headaches did go away soon after they started doing the phlebotomy. May be a dumb question, but do you stay well-hydrated? Not being hydrated could cause headaches.
I've only had one so far. I checked my blood pressure, before I was on the edge of high, now it appears just below the ideal. 118/74 I think I feel better for it. I still get headaches, but always did. No migraine since though.
I would recommend taking such simple symptoms very seriously . Please check that there is no form of arteritis/ vasculitis accompanying your MPN . These are all stealthy rare diseases and it is good to stay a step ahead of them always. Well if we are in it then we shall fight all guns blazing Wish you the very best .
Yes and no— headache and brain fog left but migraines did not. I use the migraine shot now called Aimovig.
Yes, for me it helped a lot with my headache. I hope it does for you too.