I was discharged from hospital appointments last year, after a year of blood tests and wait and see approach. After a BMB, I was told no evidence of an MPN. My highest platelet count was 590. Have been high for 7 years. Picked up by my GP. I am 54 years old. Infection and inflammatory desease have been ruled out. My heamotoligist told me not to take much notice of charts, my high count was probadly just normal for me. I'm so confused and would love some advice from anyone on the forum. Thank you. Sarahjane.
Confused: I was discharged from hospital... - MPN Voice

Talk to your GP, if you get on with them, and get a second opinion from a different haem. Don't be fobbed off : ask to see the full BMB report and series of blood tests and blood smear results . Often looking at a series of results over time tells you more than looking at an isolated one.
Keep posting: if you don't have an MPN, that's great news, but if you do, or if you have some other disorder that accounts for your consistently raised platelets, you need to be treated.
Thank you for that Rachel. I didn't think of asking for a second opinion. Am going to see my GP in a weeks time, so will ask. Thank you for taking the trouble to reply. I don't know what to think anymore. I just want to know what is wrong, and the reason for my high platelets. But I was just told to go away, live your life and not to worry about high platelet count! Sarahjane.
I agree with Rachel, ask for a second opinion.
I’d ask for a second opinion and with an mpn specialist good luck
Hi. Yes, a second opinion is worth seeking. But also knowing the exact outcome of the BMB. It may well be true that there are no markers for MPNs and that your above normal range platelets are not indicative of disease. Trends over time are everything - it’s what the MPN specialists track and look for. But it sounds like you need reassurance from a source in whom you have confidence. Keep us posted.
hi I know this is a long shot as this was posted years ago but an interested to hear more about what happened?