Trying not to Panic about the possibility of MPN - MPN Voice

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Trying not to Panic about the possibility of MPN

9 Replies

A month ago I went to the Er with dizziness and chest pain. I thought I was having a heart attack. Full work up done at Er. Heart was ok. Labs were ok minus the following

Hematocrit - 48.7 (47 is normal high)

Red Blood Cell - 5.48 (5.4 is normal high)

Platelets - 502 (412 is normal high)

Hemoglobin - 16.4 (16 is normal high)

Wbc - 11.1 (11 is normal high)

Lympocytes - 3.5 (3.4 is normal high)

Total protein - 9.2 (8 is normal high)

I had labs done 3 months before this and all of these values were in the normal range. I’ve never had any of these values off.

My symptoms are

-ringing in ears


-bleeding gums

I am going to the doctor tomorrow for repeat labs and am terrified that something terrible is going on. I realize you all can not diagnose I am just looking for comfort and opinions as to what it could possibly be other than an MPN. As I said I had labs about 5 months ago which were all clear and have had labs constantly over the last 3 years and these values were never flagged. Please help.

9 Replies
ksos profile image

Hi: I understand how scary seeing this kind of information can be, and how difficult the waiting is for a diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so I can't help with what else these numbers might indicate, but can tell you that if it does turn out to be MPN, you can take comfort in the help and support you can find in this forum. I was diagnosed with ET almost two years ago and finding the forum about 8 months ago made all the difference for me: I've come to count on the sympathy, camaraderie and sound advice I've found here. Let us know what you find out, and know you're not alone in this.


in reply to ksos

Thank you.

JP2018 profile image

It's normal to be frightened and I know it's really easy to let your imagination run wild. Believe me, I've been there (fairly recently). But I've learned that all I can do is deal with whatever is actually going on, in reality. That means getting a diagnosis from a qualified physician and then following their plan for treatment (if that even becomes necessary in your case). Personally, I was diagnosed with PV about 3 months ago. After the initial shock, I'm doing just fine with minimal impact expected on my quality or length of life. In fact, the experience has been positive in many ways, giving me a deeper appreciation for what matters most in life. I hope the doctor tells you tomorrow that you're perfectly healthy. But if not, just know that life goes on, you're not alone, and you'll probably learn that you're stronger than you thought you were. Wishing you all the best! JP

in reply to JP2018

Thank you for your kind words. Hopefully tomorrow I will know more.

isimmy profile image

Waiting for the diagnosis is the hard part as your worries and mind can run wild.

I was diagnosed with ET over 14 years ago and once I had learned what the problem was and come to terms with it I was able to carry on with my life with very little change, other than six monthly blood tests and check ups. The only medication that I took was aspirin.

Although having any medical issue is not great, knowing that you are being looked after and that the condition is under control is a real comfort.

I only found this forum 12 months ago but find the support a real bonus. So if are diagnosed with an MPN you will always get support, understanding and suggestions on here.

Good luck

Bridie123 profile image

Hi there, I was eventually diagnosed with ET a couple of years ago after what I call my fake heart attack and then a 'fall' . IF... it turns out to be an MPN it's nothing to be scared of, and joining this site would quickly ease the burden of all those worrying questions your head Will be filled with.

Hope you don't have too long for a diagnoses. ☺

Mazcd profile image

HI Cmb18, we all understand how you ar feeling, and I can see you have had some very good advice, so I won't add anything further, other than to say, we are here for you and will offer as much help and support as we can. Best wishes, Maz

Wyebird profile image

I’ve been where you are now. We all have. It’s horrid. While diagnosis was a relief, coming to terms with it took ages. Now I’m tolerating it.

If treatment is necessary, you might start to feel better quite quickly. I did, I’ve often heard of other people having medical problems and often say I’d rather have what I have.

If you find that you have reluctantly joined the MPN CLUB then this site and Maz at MPN voice will give you lots of support.

I wish you well.

Chicagopv profile image

My only symptom was itchiness. I got the diagnosis when I had a routine blood test. Everyone is different, but I was diagnosed about 12 years ago with ET, then it changed to PV when I became menopausal. My life is "normal"--some problems with meds--but have continued to work and travel domestically and abroad. Am at this moment in Appalachia on a fellowship. Oh, the places you'll go!

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