I have had a dream for many many years that I would move with my family to another country, probably Canada or USA. Has anyone done this after they have had an MPN diagnosis? Many thanks Katy x
Living in abroad (outside the EU) with an MPN - MPN Voice
Living in abroad (outside the EU) with an MPN

Hi Katy, I have ann MPN & live in US. We have lots of great MPN experts here. But the way things are going in this country politically, morally, ethically, etc. I would discourage you from moving here anytime soon. So unless you like what you’ve read & seen on tv. about the US, check & see if Canada has many good MPN experts. Obviously there are many who like what’s happening here. Katie
I live in the USA Florida. ET for about 15 years. I see my hematologist/oncologist and have full blood work every 3-4 months. Lucky for me I have very good health insurance and only pay a small co-pay. I can’t imagine how I could afford care if I didn’t have private health insurance. I read all your posts from the U.K. and it sounds like you can apply for government assistance. We don’t have that here unless you are extremely disabled. Ebot is right about how you would get care here in the states unless you have the finances.
Hi Katy
You don’t say where you’d like to move from. If you’re thinking about moving from the U.K. to the USA then I’d certainly be concerned about healthcare. Some of the comments from of our friends across The Pond especially in relation to paying for treatment make me eternally grateful for the NHS. Whatever our gripes and (sometimes legitimate) concerns we are not diverted by arguing with insurers or beset with anxieties about how to pay for treatment. And even though access to expert care in the U.K. can be inconsistent it’s not a very big country and the distances to find that care (if the system will let you) are not so vast. Anyhow I know there are people on this Forum who have moved countries and continents who will no doubt have some wise words. Good luck. Hope you get to follow your dream!
Thank you for your comments, they’re very much appreciated, I am uk based at present. I’m happy to lay this dream to rest now if there is a chance long term health would be compromised, I’m in my late 30’s and have a profession that can enable me to work anywhere in the world. I have a lot of family and friends who have up sticks and moved to various continents, I love the idea of doing so, but perhaps I need to look for a change closer to home
That might not be a bad idea. Or maybe some of our Canadians can chime in about healthcare in their country?
If it was before they started gutting the ACA, before this... orange adventure we’re stuck with, I’d have said come on down. But protections for people with preexisting conditions may not be law anymore in the near future, and healthcare costs have skyrocketed since they’ve screwed with the funding structure. Definitely steer clear for a while. The political pendulum may swing back toward progressives during the midterms, but I imagine politics here will be a nightmare for a while. God only knows what’ll happen to the ACA in the meantime.
If you do end up here, at least it sounds like you’d be able to get solid healthcare through your job. So that helps. There are some major medical hotspots doing amazing research in MPNs. I’m in Houston; we have MD Anderson, which does loads of drug trials and research.
Thank you very much for your thoughts, this is exactly what I need to hear. The uncertainty specifically regarding healthcare for you guys must worrying xx
Hi Katy, I lived in Canada for a big proportion of my life. I loved it and miss it so much but my parent's needed me so I had to return to the UK. I can only thank God that I did because I have had many health issues which required lots of medication and if I had still lived in Canada I would have been bankrupted by the cost of the drugs. I lived in British Columbia and you could get medical insurance (BC Med) but this did not cover the cost of the drugs. Hydryoxy alone costs thousands. As you have a pre-existing medical condition I would say it would be almost impossible for you to get medical insurance now anyway. Sorry to burst your dream but stay in the UK and grab the benefits of the NHS. Sorry Kiddo but I say, no, don't go.