Hi. I’ve been feelng horribly tired and am seeing my local haem tomorrow. I hope I can have a blood transfusion. The last letter from the London team ( which I got a copy of very late, and haven't yet had the energy to sort out) seemed to say at the end that it was either EPO ( which I’m on with rux ) or transfusions. But I’ve already had one transfusion since starting the epo alongside the Rux and that went fine. I’m confused and fed up.
I’m also suffering from vanishing post syndrome: I’d nearly finished an update on the blood book situation when the post vanished . So if it turns up with a bit if gibberish at the end thats why.
Oh, and the recent posts about remedies for nails were timely, as my nails had been splitting, but when I looked at my nails I found I had a splinter haemorrhage. Hadn’t had those for a while. A bit worrying.
I’’ll see what happens tomorrow locally.
All the best.