Saw Haematologist today. Running some further tests including one where blood is removed, red cells marked and then put back in?
Meant to ask him what the test was called!!
Can anyone advise please. Thanks
Saw Haematologist today. Running some further tests including one where blood is removed, red cells marked and then put back in?
Meant to ask him what the test was called!!
Can anyone advise please. Thanks
Hi James, I don't know what it's called, but did a quick google search and it may well be an RBC scan. Hope this helps.
Sounds like a nuclear blood scan. It involves a lot of needle activity and hanging around! So go prepared. Essentially you have blood removed. It is then treated with nuclear markers (this bit may take a couple of hours so hopefully there is something interesting to do in the vicinity of the hospital!). The treated blood is then injected back in to you - in the other arm - and then samples drawn off at intervals. I recall three samples thirty minutes apart. Something like that. Just make sure when they are done you remind them that you might bleed! I redecorated the department floor. It was carried out in the nuclear medicine dept. Enjoy!