Hi all
Thought I’d introduce myself. I’ve read a lot of your posts and find you all a mine of information, caring, funny and very supportive. Having got my you-know-whats in a twist over what is to come, I do feel more reassured and ready to face things standing.
My abnormal platelet count was picked up at a routine IBS check - my consultant deserves a medal, having also picked up on my vitamin D deficiency a few years ago. He seems to have been the only doctor who has really studied my blood tests over the last 5 years or so, as the platelet count has been abnormal for at least that long. Needless to say, I now have an appointment in November at our local Macmillan centre (freaked me out when I saw that!) and have had more blood sent away for the usual MPN tests at Addenbrookes (another ‘moment’) for ET. On the form it said ‘thrombocytosis ?MPN’
I have been through the OMG I might have cancer wobble - not quite through it yet to be quite honest. It’s the waiting that is the hard thing at the moment. It’s difficult to switch off and ‘do something else’. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 4 years ago (pains all over, brain fog, chronic back ache, fatigue etc) and also have Raynauld’s. I’m beginning to wonder if the Fibromyalgia symptoms are in fact MPN?
At this moment in time I feel totally out of control of my life - trying to come to terms with multiple complaints has been a rocky road, especially as I was so fit and healthy when I was younger (now in my 50’s). To then get a suggestion that another title will be added to the list makes me wonder what next.
Sorry for the moan - I’m sure you’re all used to it! I feel I can’t talk to the family about it yet as I haven’t got my own head round it.
Can I just say a big thank you to all of you who have posted. Your comments have made a big difference to the way I am now thinking about what the future may or may not serve up for me.