Can anyone give advice on taking this drug. I have been prescribed x2 a day. Is it better to take morning or evening? Do you take them both at same time? Any tips on how to take them would be very welcome. Thanks in advance.
Taking HU: Can anyone give advice on taking this... - MPN Voice
Taking HU

Hi Eoin,
I currently take one per day and two on Sunday. I used to take them in the morning but now take them about one hour before bed with a full glass of water along with my other meds. I don't worry about touching them as some people do! My reasoning is they are on my tongue so they are touching me anyway. I have been on HU for 4 years and never any problems or side effects. Guess I'm lucky? But lots of other are ok with it as well. The worry of a stroke or blood clot is now lessened for me and I am grateful for that.
Hope You get on OK with them
Best wishes
Judy x
Many thanks still a bit wary taking them. I need to get over it though!!
I've been taking two a day for more than 7 yrs. I am very lucky though and have no side effects.
I didn't finish reading your post! Sorry.... I take mine together in the morning with orange juice and all the other things I take. I'm now going to have to see if I've answered all your questions!😀
I don't worry about touching them either... the medication is covered and I put them in daily doses too. I am happy!
You need to be careful in the sun. I love the sun but use factor 50 and a Sunhat if on holiday. I use factor 50 on my face here but not the hat. I know I'm not as careful as I should be!
There is a thread running below titled Sunshine on this issue.
Yes I too like being in the sun not that we get much in Scotland! I'm a bit sad about it. I need to get over that too.
I take mine in the morning with my breakfast as easier not to forget. 1 rablet 6 days a week, 2 one day. Strated in April & actually feeling much better than without. Platelets now in normal range, haematocrit still a bit high.
I take mine with the evening meal plus a glass of water, along with a baby aspirin (which should be taken on a full stomach). On the days I take 2 I take them at the same time. I'm also not concerned about touching them as they are in a little 'shell' much like similar tablets.
As far as sunshine is concerned, it's factor 50 all the time and long sleeved tops and long trousers even when it's hot, ! It saves having to fuss about putting suncream on everywhere. I'd also wear a sun-hat except that I wear a wig (loss of hair due to other medication) so that's another thing I don't have to worry about
Hi there, I started on two a day as well and definitely think morning is better, because you really must take them with a pint of water closely followed by another and then regular fluids through out the day, of course all this needs to come out again! Also getting on with your day helps you forget what you have just swallowed.once or twice I haven't drunk enough water when taking them and have felt sick.
PS, They have to be taken at the same time.
Regards Carole ☺
I was advised to take mine in the evening and then if there are any side effects you will be asleep, seems to work for me. As for the little cup or gloves and advice not to touch the capsules I have never heeded that as I am putting them inside my mouth and body.
Hi all the best with you new HU treatment, don't worry it is fine I have been on HU for 11 years and it's a real effective treatment to keep us safe and sound. I have always taken mine in the morning, really it's preference so see how you find either way. Biggest thing is as others mentioned keep well hydrated all through the day, handy to keep a water bottle with you and just be in the habit of sipping that to keep ahead of any dehydration as we do need hydration a little more than usual. Don't worry you will find your treatment fine.
Hi from California, EOIN. I take my two at night with a sleeping pill. At first I took the Hydroxycarbamide in the morning, but blamed my excessive sweating and 'hot flashes' during the day on the drug. At night I can just sleep right through any side effects and wake up feeling okay. Good luck!
Many thanks Jerry how do you deal with Sun in California?