I'm just wondering where y'all are from. I'm from Texas close to Fort Worth.
Where from: I'm just wondering where y'all are... - MPN Voice
Where from

I am from Lincolnshire UK
I am from London, UK
I am from Essex
I am from Northumberland
Hi cannonfire , as I understand it most on here are UK based but we have friends from Australia, Canada , The US , France to my knowledge. The more the merrier. Our conditions bind us sometimes the way we are treated or our health systems differ as do the distances some of you guys travel to your appts. Cheers Chris
I think I'm from Venus ......but more recently staying near Cambridge ,UK...best cancer team ,I'm very happy to say !!! Twinkly. X
I'm in Scotland - but due to move South across the border soon. Maybe Devon?
I'm in glorious Devon. UK.
do you go to Derriford or Exeter?
Hi beetle, I go to Exeter. Dr Hamilton. Whereabouts are you?
I'm in Scotland but moving to Devon hopefully in next 6 months. I used to live in Cornwall and went to derriford so looking for some feedback on Exeter. Is dr Hamilton an MPN specialist?
He is excellent and knows his stuff. I really trust him. I don't see him every time I go but I can request to see him when I arrive for my appointment. There is also a Dr Coppell but I have never seen him.
Morning I am from the garden of England Kent
Haha twinkly you do make me laugh .
I as usual am a mixture I'm originally from Dublin Ireland now live in Cambridgeshire UK and in 6 weeks time will be moving to West Sussex UK and there I will stay hurrah
Helen x
I'd like to know more about you and your ill ness .what treatment do the doctors suggest for you .is it the same as ours ..what treatment is recommended to make your life comfortable ,do you follow any diet plan ? I only ask because I do myself ,( also because I'm extremely nosey ) ,,,keep twinkling ,,x
So far I am only taking an aspirin a day. My platelets run between 450 and 500. I have no symptoms as of now. I see my hematologist every 6 months with labwork every 3 months.
I am curious about y'alls health care system. I do have medical insurance through my work.
I work for a hospital. I do catscan and xray. I have for almost 30 years. I'm sure that is how I became jakd up positive.
I'm currently living in Nottinghamshire UK
I am from Stourbridge in the Midlands x
Hi. I live in Essex.
I live in France and U K.
West Glamorgan
Hi I`m from Yorkshire
I'm not far from you - Rotherham, South Yorkshire
Not far at all from each other. Hope you are as well as can be x
Not so bad, hope you are too. Do you go to the Hallamshire Hospital? I go to Rotherham District General.
Yes I've been going to the Hallamshire for 8 years now. I go every 3 months & see a registrar. Waiting time not so good, minimum 2 hours sat on a corridor. They don't have a waiting room. How are things at Rotherham? X
Pretty good at Rotherham. One of the few things Rotherham Hospital has a good reputation for is the Haematology Department! The main doctor - Peter Taylor - is quite well known, he does a treatment for leukeamia (I think) that is exclusive to this hospital. I have my blood taken about 45 minutes before seeing either the specialist nurse or consultant, occasionally the lab are slow with the blood results, but the waiting room is comfortable. Rarely do I have a long wait (most has been one and a half hours), after seeing the nurse or whoever, I collect my prescription from the hospital pharmacy, that can take half an hour as they have to get the HU from the Oncology department. However parking is a nightmare! Unless you have an early appointment you haven't got a prayer of getting a parking place and it is very expensive too. Cost me £5 last time. It is 2 buses away from where I live or I would go on the bus, I sometimes get my husband to drop me off and come back for me later. Of course now I've said that I'll be there hours when I go next week. X
I hope your bloods are ok when you go next week. Luckily I don't live far from the Hallamshire & get dropped off as parking is bad there too. Collecting meds is ok as there is a Boots chemist in the hospital which is quicker. Sounds like you are in good hands with Peter Taylor xxx
Hi I live in lincolnshire uk
Good morning!!! I am from Greece but Im staying in Cyprus.
I live in Nottinghamshire .
I'm from the west of Ireland and treated in Dublin.
Palmetto, Georgia USA
I'm from the prairie province of Manitoba -right in the middle of Canada.
Hi, I'm from Leeds in West Yorkshire....
Hi Everyone , can a Guernsey girl join in . PS I use the term 'girl' very lightly.lol
Hi cannonfire. I lived in the HEB area most of my adult life, then moved to Tennessee a little over 25 years ago. I was diagnosed with ET, Jak neg in 2011, then this year with myelofibrosis. I started on hydroxyurea, now on Jakafi 5mg twice daily. My platelet count usually stays around 600. Biggest problem I have is disabling fatigue, but fortunately not every day. Though this is my first post here, I read the comments regularly and have gotten a lot of comfort and strength from others going through similar situations. Glad to see someone else from the USA on here. Best of luck to you...gail
My doc, who was in on a bunch of the research, claims that the consensus is that 10mg a day is not a therapeutic dose. He is moving me from 20mg per day to 15.
Hi blulou. Glad to hear your doc was in on the research. My doc agrees that higher doses are more therapeutic. He started me on 20mg twice a day, but my anemia got so severe, I had to have a transfusion. I see him again tomorrow and if my counts allow it, he intends to increase the dose. I'm a bit nervous about it after my last experience but of course I do want all the benefits of the med too, so we'll see what happens. Is a reduced red count why your doc is reducing your dosage? Please keep me informed. This is all so confusing! Thanks for your response…gail
Surrey, Walton on Thames x
Hello, I live in London UK, ET JAK2 +. I was diagnosed 2011 and I am on Peg Inteferon Alpha 2 since June 2014. Now I take it every three weeks 135mcg. Last blood test platelets 365. Wishing you well
Hi im in kent uk
Seattle now...born in Lamesa...a story in itsownself
Lamesa Texas?
Lamesa, TX? I was born in Lubbock! What a small world!
I was born one year to the day after they finished the last building at the White Sands testing range. I don't know when you were born, but I wonder about the 'downwinder syndrome'. How many on the other side of the pond understand the significance of that date and that area?
I was born in 1952. Of the cousins I have been able to catch back up with thanks to Facebook, almost all of them have either had colon cancer (at a relatively young age), or some type of an autoimmune system disorder. So you may well be on to something. We moved from that area when I was in junior high school, and I never even thought about the possibility of a connection until you mentioned it. Very intriguing!
There's a very interesting novel based on real events named DOWNWINDERS. It's about the folks in southern Utah and their problems with all sorts of cancer. It also refers to John Wayne and a whole group of the actors who did westerns out in that part of the country. That particular pollution can hide in the sand and the dust for years.
Thanks so much for this information. I will see if I can find the book. That branch of my family (McCleskey) is holding a large reunion next summer. Don't know if I'll be up to the travel, but will certainly see what I can find out from the ones who attend. Hope you are doing well.
Hi from New South Wales, Australia
We are in Altrincham, nr. Manchester. It's my husband who had MF/MDS who had a stem cell transplant in 2014. After a very rocky road just starting to get some quality of
life back.
I am from Delaware in the USA
This really is a very wide spread family. We all have our conditions in common. How lovely so many people have responded . Best wishes to you all.
Sandy x
Clayton-le-Woods, Nr Preston, Lancashire 😄
I hail from Saint Paul Minnesota!
W ow that's quite a range. Like Sandbog also an Aussie, nominally Canberra but currently Brisbane, Canberra winters are too cold. All the best to all... Jan
I'm from Leeds. As my counts are considered stable my bloods get taken at my GP and the Heamo nurse calls to discuss a week later. It works for me
I am from Delaware.
Hi from Preston in Lancashire UK
I am from Newark, Delaware in the USA