Hello friends , i have been hearing alot on itchy skin as one of the many symptoms of Having a MPD, im wondering it affects anyone scalp? Even when i have just washed it or when im in.bed its non stop itching, ans also around hairline on face , i tried different shampoos etc ,so was just wondering if it is blood related thanks regards Holly 😁
scalp problems! : Hello friends , i have been... - MPN Voice
scalp problems!
Oh yes, very familiar. Itching to the stage of " I cant cope anymore " Scratching till I am bleeding but still with no relief. Sometimes on my face it feels like a spiders web or stray hairs I cant get rid of. Stay hydrated and if it gets unbearable, which I have had for 6 solid months last year, then speak to your haematologist. Best wishes with it.
Hi Anne , gosh yes exactly how you describe have had it a while but didnt relate to my ET if im honest. will tell her when i see her in November if no better 👍
Had a really itchy scalp and was advised to take Piriton which I wasn't too happy about so bought organic rosemary shampoo and conditioner from the health food shop and oh the relief. I don't use anything else now and itching is gone. It might work for you ... hope you find some relief x
Thankyou , i will try that am going into town in the morning .x
Yes, I have scalp itching and a very dry scalp. I have tried various shampoos - natural, organic, cold tar etc but haven't found anything to sort it out completely, some ease it a little but it never goes away. I have ET but not on anything other than aspirin so I think condition related rather than a symptom of medication.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for clarifying this RubyRubyRuby (nice name btw!), my scalp is becoming itchy and scabby but I'm only on 2 x baby aspirin a day for ET. It does sound like it's another part of the condition. Am hoping that my hairdresser doesn't send me packing when he sees the state of my scalp next week..! I will try the rosemary products suggested above, and maybe some Piriton at bedtime.
Hi rubyrubyruby , yes it must ne ,im only on Asprin at mo for ET , will have word with Gp when i go next Wed she may confirm thank you
Me too ,around hair line and ears too.Have an ear like a Rugby player with rubbing and scratching!Using a steroid based cream,helps a bit,definitely M P N cause.I am P V. Best wishes all.
Hi, yes agree with all, definitely another MPN pain! I find that head and shoulders itchy scalp shampoo along with antihistamines has worked for me so far. Not nice and very annoying. Hope you find something soon.xxx Aime
Hello Aime , yes in the big sheme of things it seems quite minor ,but keep itching in company as well not very Pc eh haha my dear ol mum would have said you cooty ! haha x

Hi Holly,
Just wanted to say don't be put off taking Piriton - it's the most benign of the antihistamines and some people have been taking the max dose ( 6x5 ml teas / 24 hours) for quite a long time.
I have histamine intolerance ( drives me mad try googling it!) as well as PV ( I used to be utterly plagued with aquagenic pruruitis on legs torso and arms but cutting out bathing and showering and doing other things - see patient power video - knocked that on the head) and so far, although I don't take the max dose or take it daily, it works well.
Suggest you try the syrup if things get too unbearable - it's available in sugar free and non drowsy but I take the sugary drowsy one with no ill effects, usually at bed time which means, boy, do I sleep better!
Hi Louise , Yes i think i will try that , have taken anti histamines from Gp in pass for allergic Rhinitis ,so will deffo try the syrup AND at bedtime ,i have trouble sleeping also yes i sometimes feel i have nits haha so irritating eh ! Thank you for that regards Holly x
Yes , me too, with the itchy scalp
Drove me mad, I used just two doses of betacap steroid ointment and the relief was almost instant , I now just take 10 mg of loratidine antihistamine daily...haven't had scalp problems for 3 years .
Good luck, hope this helps .