What can you do if you follow a hobby that entales crowds of people ,packed into a public place , hygiene ,not at it's best I expect .so this week ill be building myself up with good eating ..and garlic sweet red onions in my menu,s ..lots of green veg and for sweets ..berries and honey .. O.k. You may be smiling at my thoughts ,but I'm still going ,that's the main thing ,big birthday this month determined to see many more ,,,,keep twinkling !!!
Well folks I'm off to crufts at NEC next week en... - MPN Voice
Well folks I'm off to crufts at NEC next week end ,,always I worry about all those visitors from around the world ,coughing ,all over me !!

Hey Twinkly - Wow what a cracker and the dog looks in good shape as well. I would like to wish you the very best of luck. I understand your concerns about germs etc as I think of it everytime I go to Asda and someone is coughing and sneezing always it seems in my direction. I hold my breath, put a tissue over my mouth/nose and do an about turn if I can. Interestingly I still see Eastern ladies in the supermarket wearing surgical masks even though the alleged Bird Flu pandemic is well past. Maybe we should follow their lead.
The thing is Twinkly if we took it to heart too much we would be confined to barracks and that's no life. You do the right thing though by packing in the good stuff to ward off the bad. .
Once again all the best of luck for the weekend. . I don't suppose my old Staffy would get a sniff in such fine company. Aww Woof Woof
Cheers JR
Thank you for your good wishes ,,you sound better ,maybe it's the brighter days ,I like the cold sunny days ..longer evenings ,hows the ruxolitinib side effects. Getting used to it? Spleen going down I hope !! My results last clinic trip were excellent ...love my new nutri blend ..smoothy s are really nice ,,
Keep yourself in tip top fettle ....love as ever wayward son ...xx
Probably coz i only recently acquired my wee dog off a family member in ill health - there's an irony. She gives me a day to day purpose and although Im having a hard time with painful feet I'm not too bad on sand which is handy when you live at the seaside. The dog loves running the dunes and I can't keep up but she comes when called. So this is helping to keep me happy.
As for the Rux Im OK on it but it has had only a limited impact on my spleen so far. Love JR
Hi twinkly, what a lovely looking dog! When I retire, - long way off yet unfortunately, I'll be coming to you for a little friend. Happy birthday for this month x
How do you get on with the nutri blend? I was thinking of getting one but can't make up my mind?! One of my daughters gave me a soup maker for Christmas and I love it, I've made soup of all kinds every week since I've had it.
Good luck for Crufts.
Judy xx
Good luck at Crufts Twinkly, have a cracking time. Liz Cxx
Hi Twinkly ,
Hope you have a wonderful time ,I'm very jealous I love dog shows ,
Just thinking if you eat enough garlic people will give you a wide birth lol
You are so good at all your smoothies, I must follow in your footsteps I also have a smothie machine , it just about eats it for you , it peels ,pips ,chops I've no excuses must start and use it , wishing you a very special birthday x
Love Pam x
The reason I like the nutri blend ,I can't eat cucumber ,pineapple ,pears and apples ,but I put in the merchine ,,drink them ,great . It's lots at once gets all inside in one go!!i love it .do a jug lasts two days ..in the fridge to hand instant when needed ..no waste little preparation ..easy to do .. Here's the bonus !! My bloods are absolutely great ,every month .need I say more ?? Be positive ..try it !! Thanks for kind words all ,,,twinkly xx
Like Pam I think if you eat enough garlic you'll keep folk away!! Good luck at Crufts!
Good Luck Twinkly!! Hope you ward off the germs xx
Good Luck at Crufts ,Twinkly,probably less likely to catch a bug amongst the dogs than in a supermarket!! That is a cracking little dog in the pic Very best wishes,and have a great time.Sally
Hi just to hope you have the most splendid of times and try not to worry about the rampant bugs. We made the pilgrimage for so many years to Crufts and only because we have elderly dogs now and no-one I trust to care for them that we won't be joining you. I don't think I ever worried about the germs as I was to excited about the whole thing. My daughter once thought that it was too risky for us to have the grandchildren round but my theory is the enjoyment far outweighs the bugs and if I feel bad later it has been all worthwhile!
Wishing you all the very best and hope the judges are kind too x
Thank you all for good luck wishes ! It's work and more work to get my dogs
In best condition for ten minutes in that spotlight !! Worth it all for a piece of card ,maybe a ribbon .. But more important to me and you ,,is the determination to carry on ,
Regardless of this MPN.. Inside me now ..it's called. Positive determination ..and of course my great love of life ... Keep twinkling ....xxx
I will be watching for you amongst the winners! Luv ElsieR x