has anyone tried the otc remedies and... - National Migraine...
has anyone tried the otc remedies and found one that works?
i.e., bayer for migraine
a lot of them work for a short period, the danger with them is getting medication overuse headache,just able to go and get them as you need them rather than being monitored by a medical physician.
have you heard of the NATIONAL MIGRAINE CENTRE , london. they are a charity based clinic and even if youre not able to get tot he clinic you can post questions online to them.
they have a lot on leaflets available to download on all the treatments available.
good luck!
i've been taking neosaldina, which works extremely well... and fast... happily switched from fiorinal, but now can't get either one, as the first isn't available in the us and i can't get a refill for the fiorinal without spending a fortune on an unnecessary doctor's visit... as i'm newly returned to the us, it would be a huge bill for a first visit, so i'm really desperate to find a substitute i won't need a prescription for...
3 tylenol at once if its really bad