ive never wrote a blog before,first time for everything...
i got diagnosed with cronic migraine 8 years ago i had bellys-paulsy when i was 18 and pregnant and never quite recovered from it i had alot of problems with my head, face a jaw throughout my 20's, i started suffering worse head pains as i hit my 30's so i got put under a neurolgist headache specilist and thats when he said i am suffering from cronic migraines they do not give me much peace some days are worse than others but sometimes i will get a 48 hour pain spree and that is agony for me to cope with, the tiredness is hard to deal with to as energy is always low, my doctor has put me on 2 tablets to try and help with the pain and i have to keep a daily diary sheet for him to, i also suffer cluster headaches and tmj, im a bit of a mess i know, it is nice to join a migraine site to talk to other suffers and hopefully not feel so alone with this dreadful illness....