Does anyone find that when they take the Triptan, (any of them) it just gives you one ok day and the migraine hits properly the next day? -I feel like it just delays the migraine?
Triptans effect : Does anyone find that... - National Migraine...
Triptans effect
Yes I often feel this way, but then my migraines are chronic so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
When I was seeing a migraine specialist he told me that the return of migraine the next day wasn't so much a new migraine as the effect of medication wearing off. May be that is what is going on for you.
Yes this is exactly what happens. Its still the same migraine. It has not been attacked strongly enough and then the migraine comes back 24 hours later (for me anyway). So you then take more medication and its a vicious cycle. Try maybe take 3 aspirin in coca cola along with the triptan to help kill it off in the first instance.
Yes sometimes. Occasionally I feel I have to just have the migraine with no pain relief to get it out of my system properly. I'm not sure if that's scientific though, or just how it feels when I have a migraine that lasts a long time!
Hi, yes this is what happens to me. I have 24hrs clear and then migraine for the next 48hrs. I was once told by a neurologist that it came back because the dose wasn’t high enough, so to take 80mg instead of 40mg. This made no difference at all. I’ve stopped using them as I think they cause me more problems, as in rebound headaches also. It’s tempting to have 24hrs free of migraine but I’ve found it’s not good in the long run. Hope you find some relief, I’m currently taking Candesartan which really does help, but I know it doesn’t work for others. Good luck.
Can I ask what dosage candesaetan you are on? I gave up too early on 4 mgs so might go back to it
The first time I tried it I got to 8mg and it worked really well. I came off it at the beginning of the pandemic because there was some research to say that being on these drugs made you more susceptible to a negative outcome if you caught covid-further research says this is not the case! Stayed off it until I had my first vaccine- I was pretty ill with more or less constant migraine by then. Started again, this time I didn't start on a small dose but went straight on to 8mg. This didn't have the desired affect so I increased it without side affects to 12mg and I'm glad to say it's working again, although I still get breakthrough migraines my life is good at the moment. Hope you find a solution, it's really hard isn't it?
Hi I used to be affected like that with Rizatriptan but never experienced it since being on Frovatriptan
I’ve got Naramig which I think may be a Triptan . I don’t need to take them any more because I don’t get migraines any more. It’s the only good thing I’ve found about getting old. I have always found within an hour of taking it the migraine is gone. The earlier you take it the better. It does leave me feeling groggy but no pain from the migraine.
Hi, yes I have found this too. Also wondered if it is causing rebounds/more probs as others have written. Have wondered about ditching them completely but sometimes it does seem to get rid of the migraine…
What happens to me, it gets rid of the migraine for 24 hours, then the migraine comes back, can do this for 3 or 4 days. I'd normally have a migraine lasting 3 or 4 days without taking a triptan, so it seems to work for 24 hours, then the 2nd day of the migraine comes back and I have to take another triptan, etc. At least I can function, which I would be unable to do without taking the triptan.
Thanks all it’s good to know I’m not alone will speak to neurologist about upping /changing the triptan!