I’ve been taking this since start of the year and I do think it has reduced the frequency of my migraines, but over the last couple of months I find that I am constantly short of breath. It’s not dramatic in that it doesn’t stop me doing things, but other people notice when walking along the road with me, and I have dropped back in my exercise class. Has anyone else noticed this. I’ll review with the dr this week but just curious to see if anyone else has noticed breathing problems after a while of using it.
Topirimate and short of breath? - National Migraine...
Topirimate and short of breath?
Hi, I've been on Topiramate on & off over the years, on different doses (initially helped then effect wore off). I didn't notice breathlessness. Hope you get to the bottom of it
yes! I had the same problem, frightened the life out of me and I stopped taking them. Had only been on them a few weeks, never again
Hi, I have been on Topiramate for many years, on different doses. I have not noticed any breathlessness, but have had foggy brain, and difficulty concentrating. I am now on a low dose which seems to help. I was advised to stop taking them but have sever Migraines ever time I stop. Hope you find a cause to your breathlessness
I have never taken it but on my report from the neurologist the one he sends to your doctor it says prescribed amitriptyline would not offer patient Topirimate as asthmatic. Probably for the reason of breathing sonit may be a common side effect