Is there any migraine relief that I could take or that would help me that would not interact with the above drugs? I have atrial fibrillation and am on them and as far as I can see everything taken for migraine acts on restricting blood flow which would be a disaster for me. I have had classical migraine all my life and it has just decided to become much worse. Any ideas would be gratefully received. Also this last dreadful attack seems to have left a permanent wizzy spot in one eye, any ideas?😣
Migraine beta blockers and warfarin - National Migraine...
Migraine beta blockers and warfarin
If you want to know about drug interactions the best person to talk to would be a pharmacist.
I presume you are aware that beta blockers are prescribed to treat migraine anyway so you could try upping your dose if that doesn't interfere with your heart. I was given Propanolol. There are also GON injections which are nerve blocks or Botox if you have migraines chronically?
Since you are on Warfarin, you cannot take Aspirin as it increases bleeding risk. Ibuprofen (or any other NSAID) also increases bleeding risk although not as much as Aspirin. If you have been told not to take Triptans then (Paracetamol + Codeine) can be taken but you MUST not take continuously for more than 3 days as Codeine can make them worse and also Codeine is addictive.
These decisions must be made by a doctor (not by Pharmacist) who has clinical knowledge of human physiology. So my suggestion would be to talk to your doctor straight away, I'm sure your doctor will help you. (If you are in the UK and cannot travel to your GP surgery you can request a telephone appointment with your doctor for this particular purpose).
Thank you for your replies everyone and whilst I am aware of the dangers surounding my AF condition, the botox angle regarding migraine is new to me so will look into it.☺