I feel very depressed right now. Besides living with depression and anxiety, I suffer from fibromyalgia as well. My migraines and meds keep me house bound a good part of each month. 2 years ago I found out the pains in my neck and lumbar were caused by muscle spasms and pinched nerves from arthritis. Haven’t been able to work for quite some time. Any one in a similar situation? How do I not feel anger when I need to do something purposeful and can’t work? Any advise please.
What to do when you cannot work? - National Migraine...
What to do when you cannot work?
Hi Dove2259
I am in a very similar situation to you, as I no longer work as I suffer with chronic migraine, and so am house bound many days of the month. I gave up a good career and lost that social side and interaction that a working life brings. I also feel lonely and trapped in my own home at times. So I started going to my local church. The people there were so friendly and welcoming and non judgemental. As well as Sunday service they have group meetings through the week crafts or maybe just chatting with a cup of tea and cake. I attend as and when I can, but it has given has me a life line and sense of belonging to something.
Give it a try you have nothing to loose.
Thank you for your response. I might just give that a try although I am not a believer. I know there are really good people there.
I am glad you have found a sense of belonging. Migraines are so isolating and I feel I need a purpose and a sense of accomplishment in my life.
Hi there. I do know how you feel. I had to give up work due to chronic migraine. It really can get you down. I have thought about volunteering but I’m not even reliable enough for that! I try to make the most of the ‘good’ days, go out mainly in the morning, even if it’s for a quick coffee to get a bit of fresh air.
I’m waiting for counselling to help me come to terms with this life change, and there’s a few good articles on here actually. They are about the grief process you actually go through when you have a chronic illness. Worth a read.
Thank you for responding. I try to make the most of the good days by going for a walk or out with my husband. I didn’t know there are articles on here for grief processing. I’ll check it out. Hope your counselling helps. Here’s looking forward to the next best days.

Hi there. Sorry, foggy brain 🧠 it’s another site. There are some other good blogs on here.
I wish you all the best I think you've got some wonderful responses above. I have a chronic migraine and a thyroid issue they keep me pretty tired I've often wondered if I have fibromyalgia. I'm just wondering if you've ever read about the possible need for T3 thyroid hormone and it's effects on helping pain possibly helping fibromyalgia?
Thanks for your response. I haven’t heard about T3 thyroid hormone. I have had my thyroid checked more than once and results come back as normal. Fibro causes pain, fatigue and muscle weakness and there are 18 trigger/tender points on the body that doctors use to diagnose. I hope you get some answers and relief from pain.