I currently take 50mg sumatriptan and excedrin for my migraines. Sometimes an excedrin will do it if I take it early on but my sumatriptan usually kills it in one dose if I don't wait too long. But I am noticing that I am taking these drugs anywhere from 8-10 times a month. My doctor has recommended preventative medication but from reading online it only helps to make them less severe and only works for a small amount of people and that's concerning when you're taking a drug every day. Has anyone had better success with them than just less severity of pain?
Anyone have luck with preventative dr... - National Migraine...
Anyone have luck with preventative drugs?
I have chronic migraines and couldn't function without a preventative. I have other pain conditions though and these drugs often dampen down pain in general. They often lessen anxiety and help with sleep also.
If you are taking that many sumatriptan you are in danger of developing medication overuse headaches. If you want to prevent your migraines becoming chronic you need to catch them early, once they become entrenched it's much harder to treat. I would take a preventative with your frequency of migraine.
Yes, my migraines are much less often on preventive medication. I take 20mg atenolol a day & have done for a few years. Still get the occasional very bad migraine but that is nothing compared to having them every week or so.
I wasn't keen on taking daily medication (had been on a lot of stuff before for other things) & it took a while to find a dose to suit me, but it's been worth it.
Perhaps it's worth trying for a few months? Hope that helps.