Hi has anyone else had withdrawals from stopping pizotifen? I've stopped taking it and now trying vitamin B2 (Riboflavin).So far I've not had a bad migraine but I've been shaking, felt sick,hallucinated a couple of times and have lost my appitite for food almost completely. To be honest though weight is the driving factor for stopping them but haas anyone else experienced withdrawals like this and how long does it last?
withdrawal from pizotifen: Hi has... - National Migraine...
withdrawal from pizotifen
Hi, not withdrawals, but defo had the weight gain that I was pleased to get rid of. Overall did not help anyway. Now starting Vit B2 for second time as I really think it worked last time I tried.
Hi there, Michmina! I’m also on pitzotifen and soon stopping it slowly as I cannot stand the weight gain any longer. I was just wondering what happened after this, and whether the withdrawal symptoms improved and how long it took? I’m v scared of having them but I have to try to get off them not give up! Last time I did I had bad migraine flare ups so I’m hoping starting a different medication beforehand to control the migraines will help xxx
Hi Becky, I'm really glad I came off pizotefen. Withdrawals seem so long ago now but didn't last too long from what I remember. The migraines did get worse after if I'm honest. However, I'm now taking vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and my migraines have reduced even more than when I was on pizotefen. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you might not feel graet after coming off pizotefen for a while.Try and reduce stress. Riboflavin takes a few weeks to start working too but when it does it's amazing although I still try to keep stress to a minimum. I also have an intolerance to dairy which I've cut out completely and being treated for gastritis which seemed to trigger my migraines. So keeping the gut healthy was important for me too. I hope this is helpful to you and best of luck.
Hello Michmina! Thank you so much for your reply! Apologies for my delayed response, I never got a notification of your message and therefore I just by chance saw it. I’m really really grateful and it’s really helpful to hear that you were able to be off the pitzotifen in the end. It gives me hope that it is possible! Glad to hear they didn’t last too long. How slowly did you stop them can you remember ? Was it a very slow taper or cold turkey ? Yes, my main factor to come off them is weight gain and unbearable tiredness I’ve had pretty much for the 3 years plus I’ve been on them as have been too scared to try the other ones ! And also the withdrawal problems. That is a good idea to be gentle with self and also look after gut health. I’m on a high strength supplement for migraines but when I last tried that was not enough to help and so I’m now with a new specialist and starting nortriptilyne...to then subsequently get off pitzotifen! I will get there one day ! Thanks again and hope you’re well Becky xx