I cant cope anymore
I dont feel like i can carry on - National Migraine...
I dont feel like i can carry on

😭😭 whats happening Sticks? 💖
Hey Hun. Whassup? Talk to us. Talk to someone. Sending love ❤️❤️️❤️❤️️
Hi Sticks
Sorry to hear that you feel so awful. I feel that you need to talk to someone urgently. If you can a sympathetic friend, family or GP to speak to about your concerns, I am sure things will get better.
Please let me know how you get on. You are not alone.
Hey, sorry i havnt replied to you all. I'm really struggling with my migraines at the moment and kind of lost hope.
So sorry to hear you are struggling so with your migraines. I have felt like you so so many times over the last 40 years, it really tough living with chronic migraines and when it goes on and on it hard not to lose hope and feel in despair. It's a very lonely place for sure as people who don't suffer really have no idea how bad you are feeling. I'm sure you have tried just about everything known to man but I discovered so many triggers in foods that were stoking my migraines up. I had to stop eating anything with Monosodium Glutate in and read all labels on everything I buy. If the ingredients look suspicious I leave it alone. Aspartame in fizzy drinks is another horrible additive, indeed lots of additives can stir up migraines. Best to just drink plain water for a while and see how you react. I just eat plain home cooked food now that I prepare myself so I know what I'm eating. Colours in tablets can often be a trigger, the list goes on and on. I am sure you know all of this but it took me quite a while to figure out things that were making my migraines worse. We all know that chocolate and cheese are usually triggers for some people but not all, it just depends. I do hope you find some relief eventually. Even after 40 years I am still struggling along and spending days in bed even now but just have to live with it. Do you go back to see your GP and have you tried all the Triptons? Also you can be referred to a neurologist on the NHS for them to assess you and maybe suggest different ideas. There are new medications coming out maybe next year so live in hope that something will eventually come along to help all of us who are suffering so much. Good luck and hang in there, I know exactly how you are feeling. This is a good site to share how you are feeling and it does help to know you are not alone. Thinking of you.
Thank you for your kind messages, it's nice to know that i am not alone and someone knows what i am going through. I'm sure somthing will come up eventually that works for me but its currently all trial and error. I'm sorry to hear you have had a tough time with it all too. Xx
What medication are you on? Migraines are so debilitating. Max alt was great for me. Check out your diet too. I cut back massively on gluten (for another reason) and my migraines almost gone now as a result. I used to get loads which lasted 3-5 days each time.
I have Hemiplegic Migraines and they have lasted anything from a couple of hours up to six weeks. I have been having nerve block injections and my last round of them i had 5 in my head, neck and shoulder but they havnt helped at all this time. I have sumatriptan nasal sprays too but dont seem to touch it, the only thing i find at the moment that helps is sleep. I am going to see a neurologist next Saturday in London and he was really helpful last time. Am on the waiting list for Botox also. Up to date i have tried over ten different medications to see if they help but nothing has so far
Hi again Sticks95, I just sent you a message before scrolling down a bit further to find another post from you. I see you have tried just about everything and are going to see a neurolgoist next Saturday. I do hope you are able to get some help and you won't have to wait too long for your Botox appointment. x
Hi Sticks,
Sorry to hear you're having such a bad time. I have been following your posts but haven't replied before. I remember feeling completely desperate when my migraines started about 3-4 years ago. I ended up having 6 months off work and then a further 6 working at a reduced level. The condition attacks your brain and makes you feel really low. This is on top of having to deal with all the questions going round your brain as to why this is happening to you and how you can fix it. Trying loads of different medications also really messes with your mind so I have an insight into what you're going through, although I did not have the severe hemiplegic variant that you have.
All I can say is that the support of my husband, kids and mum got me through. I had really dark days when I couldn't see that things would ever get better but my husband reminded me that to give up hope was not an option. You will turn little corners every now and again and it's just enough to help you see that there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Keep searching for health professionals that understand the condition because they are out there. My migraines are still a part of my life but in a lot smaller way than they were, which is a place I could not imagine getting to when they started. At one point I was put on venlafaxine which is an antidepressant. It was supposed to be a migraine treatment. It only helped the severity of my migraines slightly but really helped me cope with them better.
Hope your appointment went well
Sticks. I have suffered with migraines for38 yrs.. Getting off sugar, especially chocolate, caffeine, all alcohol really helps. Sumatriptan injections help stop the pain within minutes. There are ways to manage your migraines. Take care of yourself. I will pray for you.