Hi! 23 year old female, this is all new to me and wanted some insight.
I suffer from anxiety disorder, never had migraines before until I was diagnosed with anxiety 3 years ago. I would get a migraine maybe 1-2 a month but excedrin extra strength would generally take care of it. Recently around my period I started getting headaches more frequently and then those headaches become migraines. My migraines do not have aura, no vomiting (but I do feel nauseated and have little appetite) sensitive to smell and it bother me more to lay down than stand up(is that unusual?). My question mostly is that are menstrual migraines real? I only seem to get them before and a few times during my period but never any other time of the month. I've been taking excedrin extra strength for headaches for 3 years and it's fine, it helps the migraines but not all the time so I was prescribed Sumatriptan 25mg and tried it for the first time and it killed the migraine.
Is it possible to control migraines and live a normal life? Any response is welcome! Thank you.