one of the main triggers l have is stress. l have noticed " delayed" migraines 2/3 days after stress at work or home. its almost a guarantee. is there a way of relaxation that you use>? herbal remedies? yoga?
Stress = migraine: one of the main... - National Migraine...
Stress = migraine
Yoga is very good for stress. I intend to start some classes. I have been doing the yoga for beginners on you tube to at least get me started. Might be worth a look
I do yoga and started it as a physical support for spine issues I have. Soon it became apparent the depth and breadth of the teachings and practice were touching me on a much deeper level. Yoga helps balance our three human parts: body,mind and spirit. This harmony reduces stress. It reaches our cells. Try Restirative Yoga for deep relaxation or Yoga Nidra.
Meditation or prayer is an integral limb of traditional yoga practice and this too helps slow our breathing, heart rate and energize our being.
Exercise has been proven to lower stress-- any kind you prefer! You might also check into Bach Flower Remefies at your local health food or natural supplement store for stress Remedies.
Magnesium helps too. Also, writing in a journal helps lower stress. Just write felt, whatever arises!! The truck is, do not read what you have written. 💓 Best of luck.
All these replies are good advice! I'm re-Starting Mindfullness Meditation for stress (the life-stresses of job layoff, retirement and moving set my progress back for a bit). The deep insights gained from the beginning never really leave you.
My migraines weren't stress related but hormonal - however I found that running really helped with them - about 1/2 mile really helped.
One theory that I remember reading a number of years ago is that it isn't actually the stress that causes the migraine but the relaxation afterwards - which doesn't mean that looking for better ways of coping with stress isn't a good thing - excellent thing as it will minimise the difference on a physiological level between being under stress and not-under stress.
Hope you find a solution.