Has anyone tried Occipital Nerve Block for migraine? If so, did it help? Any problems with it?
Occipital Nerve Block for migraine - National Migraine...
Occipital Nerve Block for migraine

It is worth a try, it works for some people. It has disastreous effects on me but it is rare I think. If you can have one give it a go, I don't regret I tried.
What is this procedure, and would it help with the optical migraines?
Have you tried myofascial release? I have had the back of head and neck headaches for many, many years. Lately, I have followed a course of treatment alternating myofascial release and deep tissue massage, and I have been able to get rid of my headaches. Here is a link to myofascial release:
The website has info on how to find a therapist in your area. I don't think I would have been able to find a solution to my headaches without this therapy.
Interesting...I was wondering about it because I have visual snow syndrome and the type of headache described in the link. Visual snow syndrome has been recognized as a separate but related phenomon to migraine. It involves seeing visual static 24x7...it never goes away. I was hoping that the treatment might calm the visual cortex. Visual snow suffers have hyperactive visual cortex.
I am about to have occipital nerve block injection on Friday. I have tried Amytryptiline and Pregabalin as preventive treatments but they didn't help. I am taking triptans either in tablet form or as nasal spray about 5 times a week at the moment and it is becoming unbearable, they help the migraines to an extent, but make me feel weird, over sensitive and really tired.
Assuming I go on Friday, I will let you know if it works. I'd like to know what are the disastrous effects it had on Sybille though. Sybille, can you let us know? it would be useful to know.
Hi, I tried an occipital nerve block a few years ago. It didn't have any beneficial effect for me unfortunately, but no side effects either, except some discomfort during the actual procedure.
I had the same experience - a bit of discomfort during the procedure but no side effects. Unfortunately it didn't work for me but it was worth a try - much quicker than testing out a new preventative drug.
Hi, sorry for the late reply. The procedure itself is nothing, only in the following week or two my neck became very stiff and sore but it got completely sorted out with one sesssion with the osteopath. The nerve block gave me terrible almost constant cluster headaches, I practically didn't leave my bedroom for 8 weeks, then it wore off. DOn't let this put you off though, this is a very rare side effect. Good luck.