Hi all, Well im new to all this. Im Steve im 45 and 6 weeks ago i was fine, never had head pains, then BANG my life decided to change. From fit and well on the Monday morning, to loosing the feeling in my left arm and face with very bad head pains, dizzyness, and sick feeling. WOW what head pains !!!
The next Morning i felt fine but within 30 mins i had two stabbing pains under my left arm pit, and then my left arm and face went numb. My thoughts were hard to process and to put into words, i was very confused, and very dizzy, but i had no head pains.
I have got "Long QT syndrome", so i thought my heart was playing game's lets get to A&E fast. When i got to A&E my speach was bad and i was shown a seat, then i was shown room, then i was shown a bed, all in 10mins, yes i was admitted.
I was admitted to the stroke unit for four days as it was not known if i had had a stroke or a migraine, i was told its 50/50. I had a CT Scan, chest Xrays, throat scan, and a M.I.R. scan which concluded that it was a Hemiplegic Migraine that i had been hit with.
I found it had to understand how i could have a migraine and no headache. I was given some literature to read on Hemiplegic Migraine's and discharged. I did ask if i could be seen by a neurologist, but i was told that i would have to be refered by my own GP for this, and sent on my way with my symptoms with me. Thank you !!
My Symptoms were, L/H/S numb face, numb arm, pins needles in hand, dizzyness, but no head pains
Well its now my 6th week with this Hemiplegic Migraine still no neurologist, i have been on Topiramate 25mg for 3 weeks.
Week 1, was three pills a day no change, symptoms the same.
Week 2, was four pills a day, hand,arm,face,bit better, but i now get constant head pains, but new is i now have a very sharp temper, very volatile i explode !!
Week 3 back to only three pills a day, all symptoms have come back in arm, face, hand,dizzyness, headpains still there, but sharp temper has gone.
I have finally got my appointment to see my neurologist but thats not until October !!!
The pills Topiramate dont seem to work, im getting fed up with the Doctors not knowing what to do, and im at a stand still which has drawn me to the internet and found this site. To fine you people who may be able to help me get back to normal.
kind regards.