A little bit of background info, I'm a 21 yr old female and I have been diagnosed with migraines with an aura. I have dealt with anxiety since high school and have had many panic attacks as well.
Last January(2017) I suddenly started getting awful acid reflux, all day every day, and with it, I also got this feeling like I was out of it and off-kilter. I went in for bloodwork twice and both times everything was normal. My doctor said my salt level was low so he put me on Zantac and Gatorade, which helped temporarily, I guess, but I am not a fan of taking OTC drugs daily like that, so I stopped.
My doctor has tried to diagnose this feeling that I have but I don't feel as though he is accurate. He originally said that I have orthostatic hypotension, and then this past August 2017 he said that it is actually Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. After that diagnosis, I was on Allegra D and a sinus rinse everyday for a week, this did little for me and after the full week, I stopped this too.
Basically, this "rocking" feeling has progressed since June. Just about every day I feel as though I'm rocking back and forth or side to side. It's not spinning (although I have felt a spinning sensation a couple times that doesn’t last long) and it doesn't affect my balance when I get up and walk around.
I do tend to have clogged ears where I cant pop them and I do sometimes feel them tighten and ring, I had many ear infections as a child so I'm wondering if it's an inner ear issue.
I originally thought it was diet related, I went gluten-free, I tried veganism, I tried very bland diets, I run and I practice yoga as of recently. I hydrate pretty regularly and I sleep at least 7-8 hours every night.
I tend to google my symptoms and that just seems to make it worse because I tend to assume that its worst-case scenario.
Basically, I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what I can do for relief. I visited an ENT Friday and he said I have no hearing loss and he thinks that it’s vestibular migraines. However he wants me to get an MRI to rule out other possibilities.
I had an MRI when I was around 17 and all was normal but for some reason I am now completely petrified and expecting the worst. It’s consumed my thoughts for days now and I can’t stop googling and seeing “brain tumor” on my screen. Can anyone relate to my symptoms and maybe comfort these anxieties ? Desperate.