I am undiagnosed but fitting symptoms and specialists leading this way though would be seronegative if is. the newest symptom I have is sometimes half of my throat seems like its closing, not painful and when I eat certain drier foods I cough a lot but not actual swallowing difficulties though I do find myself drooling a bit at times. can anyone relate at all ?
undiagnosed: I am undiagnosed but... - Myasthenia Gravis...

Myasthenia affects the bulbar muscles around the throat and drooling and inability to swallow is quite serious. The blood test for Mg can take a few weeks to come back and and is often inconclusive but you can have Mg with quite serious symptoms and be seronegative. I was diagnosed purely on physical exam and medicated immediately but I had a very high antibody count which confirmed the diagnosis. Where in the world are you? How long have you had these symptoms for?
If you need information and help and assuming that you are in the UK, then visit or ring the Myaware website which explains all about Myasthenia, it’s different forms and how it is diagnosed and treated. They have been campaigning for better and quicker diagnosis myaware.org/contact-myaware
Tips - don’t eat dry food, or foods you have to chew such as steak - tipping your head slightly forward makes it easier to swallow, foods such as custard and yogurt are often easy to swallow but do be careful as it is also easy to aspirate food. Get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activity until you are medicated.
Hope that helps.