Hi so was full circumcision 3 months ago everything is fine healed well stitches out no senentiy just can't mastabate now with no foreskin have tried lube no luck with that any suggestions pleaseThank you in advance
Mastabate : Hi so was full circumcision... - Men's Health Foru...

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Hi Like you I had the circumcision on 24 Jan 2023, will be soon 2 years. I only had this procedure as I was frightened by the Consultant that with the fore tight skin/phimosis I might develop cancer, it is for this reason I agreed for the circumcision. I never had any pain, no medical history, I still had good sex life. I went to see this Consultant because of ED, I was still 75% active, 25% inactive, no other reason.
We are both in the same boat, I have not been able to masturbate for almost two years, I have lost all the erections, I am completely, totally and wholly grounded. I have seen so many different Consultants after the procedure no one pinpoint how to resolve and fix this issue. My extensive research online shows that too much skin has been taken off or nerve damaged that send the signal for the erections, as a result there is no flow of blood to erect and maintain erections. By the way no erections in the morning (I always used to have it), it is that bad. If you get a chance please do read my previous all my concerns posted under this forum. I would urge everyone, please seek 2-3 different medical opinions before considering the circumcision, my life has been ruined and robbed.
I suspect the problem is more complex than simply being circumcised. The world is filled with men who are circumcised at birth who have healthy, active sexual lives. The penis works with or without a foreskin. And, none of the foreskin is actually attached to the glans penis...most of it is attached slightly down the shaft and , of course, at the frenulum just below the glans on the underside. Yes, I suppose that nerve damage can be done if a circumcision procedure is botched but as a man who is circumcised tight (meaning zero foreskin), I can tell you I have a happy and wonderful sex life and very excellent erectile function. No man should struggle with penile problems of any kind so I am sad for you and hope you find a solution.
I was circumcised at 32 and recieved a low and tight circumcision, I had to learn how to masturbate as a circumcised man and I can tell you that coconut oil helped greatly.
You can't just grab your shaft and pump up and down like you used to because that will no longer work, you will figure out a new technique that suits you.