In 2 days i am gona be circumcised because of phimosis , i never been to hospitals or doctors before and i am a little nervous about it, any advice would be very appreciated !!
Hello Amigos !!: In 2 days i am gona be... - Men's Health Foru...
Hello Amigos !!
What style will you be choosing?
The doctor did not even told me or gived me any info, he said just you gana be fine will be okey thats it.
You should ask for a high and loose circumcision? This is safer because you can always remove more later, but removing to much is not good because it can cause pain and in addition you can lose length. Preservation of mucosal tissue is important. This is just what I recommend because I have dealt with painful erections in the past.
Do you feel tightness at the neck of the penis when erect?
No, normally we talk how much you have mucosal tissue left (inner foreskin).
A low cut can not be made into a high cut because a low cut removes mucosal tissue, but a high and loose cut could be made into either a high and tight cut or low and tight cut. It is the best cut to get because it gives flexibility. In addition getting tighter cuts when you already have phimosis causes a loss of length because phimosis causes the skin at the base of penis to expand.
Always remember, it’s not how much you remove, but what you remove. Inner skin is the same a mucosal tissue. If I remove all the shaft skin and maintain all the inner mucosal tissue, the scar line would be at the base of your penis. High and loose removes the outer foreskin and some shaft skin while maintaining all of the smooth inner skin.
I am going to a private hospital ,i will ask him before the OP ,my penis is small when not erect but when its erect is something else ,because of my phimosis i have too much extra skin so i dont think gana be a problem, i am more concern about the veins of the foreskin.
Be very careful and get a looser cut because you have less skin than you realize. Phimosis causes the the penal scrotal junction to increase, which may fool the doctor into thinking that you have more tissue than you actually have. If it was me, I would try stretching exercises. Or maybe try a dorsal slit or some variation in the partial circumcision category. You are also a grower, so you need more skin than you expect: otherwise it’s likely you will lose length. High and loose is another option.
Don't worry he/she will cauterize or put a suture to any bleeding veins on the shaft skin. I hope the surgeon will discuss you about the procedure before. If not, please ask him/her. Make a list of your wishes on paper/phone. Then you won't forget anything.
Well he did cosulte me 2 times before so he saw everything what is there i am not worry about how much he will cut cuz he saw it and i asked him so much questins he started to get iritated ,i am just worried about venis cuz i have plenty veins on the foreskin but he said dont worry i know what to do ,and about the anestesy cuz he said i am tooo big for local and he said he will give me back anestesy or spinal.
Hello Tomy90, Please keep us posted with your results. Best of health with your surgery.
I believe the inner skin should be kept completely. This is the type of circumcision I was given except mine had almost no shaft skin remaining. I had to expand the tissue on my penis for 6 months, which caused me to have enough skin to have pain free erections.
I was circumcised as an infant at 8 days old by a mohel using a unpredictable and unsafe method where the mohel grabbed the base of my penis forced the skin forward. What ended up happening was that I had no existent base to my penis, which I had to re-establish to eliminate the pain.
My penis is so great and wonderful because I can actually experience amazing pleasure without the pain. The ability to have a full body orgasm is amazing.