Hello everyone, my husband had west nile virus that turned into viral meningitis
On Sept 1 2018. We had no idea it was that a few days before Sept 1 he was very tired no appetite, the evening before Sept 1 he had high fever and just wanted to sleep. The morning he was not himself he wasnt talking well hard time just walking, he had major diarrhea and didn't even notice he did it in his pjama. I took him to the hospital his BP was low they thought he was having a heart attack or stroke. Did the tests and no I wasn't that. Anyways fast forward they had mo ide what he has they transferred him the next day to another hospital. He was in ICU went into a coma for 3 days stayed in ICU for 7. Had to learn to eat hold a spoon, talking was just word a time. He was transferred outta icu and in a room for 26 days. Home and was back to work 7 months later. He gets very tired. His short term memory is nor very good. He lost half of his hearing. He is not the same person. But happy he is alive. Has anyone else been diagnosed with west nile turning into viral meningitis?