I had meningitis 35 years ago when I was only 3, and have lived a life fraught with personal challenges and ups and downs. I've had bouts of depression for periods of time ever since I was a child (though I didn't recognise it at the time), some I have dealt with, with advice and guidance of GP's and on one occasion a cognitive therapy group, but generally I try to ride it out and get by as best I can.
I have issues with poor memory, memory loss, what I can only describe as a clouded mind, as well as tinnitus, GAD (general anxiety disorder) and stomach/bowel conditions (acid reflux and IBS). At present I try to take as little medication as I can (and currently non at all for any of the mental conditions).
On most days I count myself lucky. I am fully aware that things could be MUCH worse (I had 2 aunts with hearing and learning impairments after having meningitis), but during down times (times of stress or worry) all of the ailments flair up and I do find it difficult to get by... usually I retreat and keep myself to myself (even though I have a wife and young son who I love).
I don't feel I have achieved much in life and spend much time comparing myself to others - though I am aware I have done things to mark me out as a valuable contributor to society (Employment support / Disability support to name a couple).
I do feel lost most of the time. I have always found it difficult to make/keep friends as I find it difficult to find common ground with others (I primarily put this down to my memory issues as I find I difficult to remember exact details of past events - even if they only happened a short while ago - most of my memories are based on feelings of a time or place rather than an exact picture). Other than this and a few other occasions I have sort solace online I hardly ever mention any of the issues I have revealed today to anyone. I hate feeling sorry for myself, but I do find that it is ultimately (even when I am in the company of others) a lonely existence.
If you have read this far, I'm happy you did so and I apologise for rambling, but ultimately I am just wondering if there is anyone out there who has had meningitis that can relate to anything I have said?
If so, I look forward to hearing from you.