My story - Bacterial Meningitis - Male aged... - Meningitis Now

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My story - Bacterial Meningitis - Male aged 39 healthy.

Tristanfitz profile image
9 Replies

My symptoms started with a headache and a sore throat, I had this for a couple of days and thought nothing of it.

I went to bed on the Saturday evening as normal, not feeling 100% it nothing of any real concern. Early hours of Sunday morning I woke up sweating and with this headache like nothing I had ever experienced before, the pain was on another level. I got up, which was a struggle as I was feeling dizzy and heavy headed, I was sick a few times and went back to bed. At the time I was assuming that it was the onset of flu, as all the symptoms were similar although the headache was so intense.

I stayed in bed all day taking painkillers which had no effect and drinking plenty of water. The room was spinning and each time I got up to use the bathroom I was very uncoordinated.

About 8:30 in the evening I went into the bathroom and collapsed, ( this had never happened to me before) next thing my partner was there saying I need to go to the hospital. I was quite confused, but being a typical stubborn male, I said I would be ok and went back to bed!

She took it upon herself to call 111, and they spoke to me and gave me an urgent appointment.

I went in the doctor did several checks, my heart rate was 150 and temperature was high, he said he was concerned and sent me to the hospital.

At the hospital they did some blood tests and it come back that I had a blood infection, they also did an ecg. They give me some antibiotics though an Iv drip almost straight away followed by fluids. They said I would need to stay in overnight.

The next morning I was given more antibiotics and sent for a CT scan. Also was told that they would need to do a Lumbar Puncture. I felt absolutely terrible at the time and just laid in bed holding my head, I was finding it very hard to cope with the lights in the hospital. I had my LP that evening and was told the results would be back in the morning.

Next morning I was moved to another ward and told that I was being seen by the neurologist. He came to see me and said that my white blood cell level was quite high and that they suspected that I was suffering from bacterial meningitis, he said although it was not conclusive as I had, had 3 doses of antibiotics before the LP, he was pretty sure from his experience that it was this, and told me that I had to stay in for 10 days to be treated.

During the first few days, I didn't really move as I felt completely drained, after this I started to feel better in myself, although the headache was still pretty intense, also I felt dizzy almost drunk like, and was becoming more sensitive to light.

I finished my iv antibiotics last Thursday, and am now back home, almost a week on and I haven't really improved since leaving, if anything I feel worse. Not sure if this is normal? I am hoping to get back to work next week but at the minute can't get out of bed for more than a few minutes, the headaches and dizziness are quite extreme and I am constantly tired although find it very hard to sleep. Have spent most of the last week sat in a dark room. Is it normal to feel worse a week after finishing treatment? How long until you start to feel normal? When am I likely to be able to drive?

Sorry for all the questions, but the doctors didn't seem to be able to answer a lot.

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Tristanfitz profile image
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9 Replies
StrawberryCream profile image

Firstly I would like to say that because your partner ignored you claiming that you would be ok, and rung 111 and got you seen, that saved your life. Bacterial meningitis comes on suddenly and can be a killer. Thankfully you started treatment soon enough that you did not end up seriously ill and fighting for your life. However, what you have been through is still a very serious illness and is not like colds or flu etc that you can expect to recover from in 7 - 10 days. Your recovery will at best take months but can take even longer than that. Your recovery will be very slow and is barely starting. Whilst in hospital the BM infection was treated but the effects of the BM is the recovery you will experience now at home. You will find that you need to rest and sleep a lot and even doing the most smallest task such as having a wash will exhaust you. Your body needs you to allow it to rest and sleep as much as needed to help you recover. If you try and push yourself too much you will set your recovery back. The headaches will continue for sometime yet and for some people it is an ongoing after effect. You need to take painkillers regularly to keep the headaches manageable rather than wait until they get very bad as then the painkillers are less effective and you may feel sick or vomit. Tolerance of light as well will be worse if you have a bad headache. There is no way that you will be able or ready to go back to work next week. The hospital usually give you a sick certificate for the first couple of weeks but that doesn't mean that they expect you to be fit for work by then. You need to see your gp and the gp will give you another sick certificate. The hospital only give one for a couple of weeks so that you are seen and reviewed by your gp. If you are unable to go to the surgery then ask for a home visit. Will you have a follow up appointment with the neurologist? Often it is about 8-10 weeks after discharge. You should not attempt to drive at the moment and it would be best to wait until you are seen by the neurologist to ask if it is now ok for you to resume driving.

The Meningitis Now freephone helpline is great for information, asking questions and support - 0808 80 10 388 they are very helpful, knowledgeable and understanding. There are other things that they offer to help you as well. Or take a look at their website - where you can download and read lots of helpful info about the type of meningitis you had and what to expect with your recovery.

Best wishes

Tristanfitz profile image
Tristanfitz in reply to StrawberryCream

Hi, and thank you for taking the time to reply. After reading this I think I have been wrongly trying to force the recovery rather than let it take its toll, and i realise that I am very lucky that I was treated quickly.

I will take onboard everything that you have said and again thanks for the advice.


StrawberryCream profile image
StrawberryCream in reply to Tristanfitz

It is as you have realised. Yes you do need to let the gradual recovery happen as it is not something to push yourself to recover from. All that does is set you back further and increase especially the fatigue and which is a significant problem when recovering from BM. You did get treatment fairly quickly and weren't sent home because initially it was thought to be symptoms of flu. That happens to quite a lot of people because it the initial stages symptoms are similar. However, getting treatment more quickly, does not minimise the fact that you have had a very serious illness and it will take time to recover from it. It will be so gradual that you will think that you aren't until weeks on when you think back and realise some recovery has occurred. Rest rest and more rest is what you need.

bobbyvere profile image


Although you say you are fit, don't underestimate the impact of this disease on your mind and body. I had pneumoccal meningitis as a mature adult and it was many weeks before I started to feel relatively "normal" again (whatever that means). The best thing to do is phone the helpline at Meningitis Now, who will be great at answering questions and providing support. The number is 0808 80 10 388

I do hope you start to feel well again soon.

Tristanfitz profile image
Tristanfitz in reply to bobbyvere

Hi, and thanks for replying. After reading your reply and other people's feedback, I think I was being unrealistic with the recovery timescale and instead of trying to force it, I will 'listen to my body'

Thanks again, and I will call the helpline.

bobbyvere profile image

That's good to know. Thank you

David-A-B profile image

I had bacterial menningitis last year following sinusitis. When l left hospital after 3 weeks l was given iv antibiotics at home for another 4 weeks.

Felt like l was awake but not with it at all. 5 months it took to return to work and l still get confused with certain things a year on now

Talk to your GP they will know what you need to do and be aware of.

Tristanfitz profile image
Tristanfitz in reply to David-A-B

Hi David, thanks for the reply.

Being awake but not with it, sounds very familiar.

I have spoken with GP this morning, and they just said if I still have symptoms by the week to come in. I can't see much changing by then!

All the best with your recovery.

kirsty40 profile image

Hi there. Your story I canvery much relate to as a similar thing happened to me. However I went to the doctor and. He told me you just have a nasty ear infection! I went home with a splitting headache (the worst I had ever experienced) and started vomiting, became disillusioning about things and the worst thing I was alone! It wasn't until the earlr hours of the next day I called the ambulance. In which I hoped they would help and they did I was so thankful! I spent four weeks in hospital on Iv medication. Anyway this was nearly 2 years ago now. I am back working full time and I still get very tired but every day is different. I am sure you will recover well in time. Don't rush it and listen to your body.

I had to drive around the third week after leaving hospital ( as my daughter was sick) and I am a single parent so it was extremely hard for me. I still struggle with being tired but I have to stress the importance of a good diet. Fresh vegetables, fish ( good for the brain) limit alcohol if any at all. Take care and happy to stay in contact.

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