Hi I had viral meningitis in 2011 3 wks after major brain surgery. I was in hospital for 2 was having various tests, antibiotics & antiviral via drip before viral meningitis was confirmed after 3 lumber punctures. this 'mild' form of meningitis has left me with aquire brain damage, affecting my walking, speech, balance, other cognitive things & vision. I am losing my vision slowly, although it now seems to be speeding up. I lost who I once was, that outgoing, hardworking, fun person & have been left with a shadow, although I am getting used to this 'new' me now, as are my hubby, kids & thankfully my granddkiddies don't know any different.
I know this awful illness affects each one of us differently, and I am no worse off that you, but I wanted you to know where I'm coming from.
I wondered if anyone else out there is losing or has lost their vision because of meningitis and if so, would u share your experience with me, your journey and how you have and do cope?
Thanks for reading.