To all the parents...: My little boy had... - Meningitis Now

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To all the parents...

kat12 profile image
1 Reply

My little boy had meningococcal meningitis in March 2013 when he was 1years old, since then we have had several hearing tests due to routine and then I requested some due to his speech. The hearing tests have been clear thankfully but I'm still a little concerned about his speech as he is coming up to 4years old, it is mainly his pronunciation and obviously it's hard to know if it is developmental or whether it's linked (I've only recently questioned the meningitis being linked) he has also mentioned having a head ache a few times which I found quite strange for his age. Have any other parents noticed any long term affects that their children may have had from their meningitis?

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ingridm profile image

Hi Kat12 Our daughter contracted Bacterial Meningitis Dec 2014 and we nearly lost her. SHe has had numerous ear tests and she has not been cleared they keep coming up with glue ear or some other reason why the tests are not clear and we have now been refererd to ENT specialist.. Its all quite concerning.. but she didnt talk for months all she said was mama and the specialist eventually referred me to a speech therapist.,.they in turn told me because she was so small that i had to wait until she was older than 2... I work with her every day talking to her and asking her to repeat word back to me and she is doing well. We have found or me especially the road to recovery very hard on me and her and my other children... I talk to her all the time and she is finally starting to speak back to me with words her speaking did not develop at the same pace as her peers the same age... Its almost like I had to teach her to speak again even though she as so small and only knew a few words. She suffers from low immune system and if there is something going around she get's it... if you worried go to your dr and demand a referral to Speech therapist... I would xx Good luck but you are not alone and i am constantly worried about her and if she is developing like she should... dont think it ever goes away the worry Good Luck and God Bless xx

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