We won't be defeated yet...: We went to my... - Meningitis Now

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We won't be defeated yet...

kat12 profile image
11 Replies

We went to my sons routine hearing test today due to the meningococcal meningitis that he had and the results weren't as good as I hoped, my son has glue ear in both ears and has to go back in 3months to see if his hearing has improved if not he will be refereed. Has anyone had hearing loss/problems as an after result??

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kat12 profile image
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11 Replies
stevie1961 profile image

Hi Kat, I had meningococcal meningitis last year at the age of 50, its left me with hearing loss in both ears, 20% and 60% . apart from a little dizziness though and tiredness, I'm about 80% fit after 1 year.

Does your son have any other problems?

Heres my blog if you want to read it


Take care


kat12 profile image
kat12 in reply to stevie1961

Thank you for your reply...well since he has come off the antibiotic's which is nearly a month he has had the sniffles and a high temperature that comes and goes. I never thought much to the hearing test until we was there in the waiting room and then when they tested him and I saw his response to the sounds I thought he really can't hear much...at home he will often point to toys he wants and as he's only 13months he doesn't say many words. We are just staying positive as the glue ear may pass so his test in 3months may be better...at the moment he he's things muffled. We are still very lucky!! So has your hearing come back a little bit? It sounds like you and your family have had to be very strong!

Kind regards,


Dene profile image

Hi My mrs has had non stop problems with her ears shes had 2 monthly visits for a while and for some reason there not sure why her ears are all ways red inflamed full of wax.she had meningococcal meningitis and when we go they do suction every time.

2 months later there full again and not to be graphic when they clean her ears its not a small amount they clean out, the ENT & Nurses are amazed and what they see every 2 months, shes failed Hearing test and shes had a soft plastic Ear mould made to put in 1 ear for when she has a bath / shower to try and keep any water out to try and help the problem

kat12 profile image

Hmm that's interesting as the glue ear he has is like a mucusy liquid in one of the tubes within his ear which is making his hearing muffled well they are hoping its just muffled but they aren't 100% sure yet. So it could be similar, does she hear ok? Or does she struggle?

Thanks for the comment!!

recovering777 profile image

Hi to the lovely mom with a special and brave son.

I developed Tinnitis in my left ear shortly after having had my second bout of meningitis. I now have partial deafness in that ear, and an annoying squealing sound. Being an older person it doesnt matter to me much. I am a Christian and i would love to pray for your preciouse little boy.

Bless you, all will be okay of that i feel sure.

kat12 profile image
kat12 in reply to recovering777

Thank you for your comment and best wishes!

Jeffery profile image

Hi Kat, I lost the hearing in my right ear. The professionals are not sure whether the hearing loss is from the meningitis or from the antibiotics used to treat it. Either way, I am alive!!!! I have 100% hearing in the left ear. I find busy, noisy atmospheres disturbing and overwhelming. I also limit background noise when I am expected to listen and communicate. I am 58 and had the meningitis 2 years ago. The hearing loss is permanent. I also have vestibular imbalance in both ears and use a walking stick and my husbands arm to steady myself. Your little one is strong! He will adjust to any limitations he may be left with. Because of his age, he may overcome any damage that was done, in other words, time is on his side. Kind Regards, Jeffery

kat12 profile image
kat12 in reply to Jeffery

Thank you for your comment and positivity...you sound like a very strong person!! No matter what the outcome I will always feel lucky to be able to watch my little boy grow up he's such a happy boy and that's my priority his happiness!! I guess all I can do is wait until the next hearing test in 3months and hope for improvement...

Kind regards


Dene profile image


no her hearing is terrible TV Turned up loud etc

when she has her ears cleaned its better

then gradually gets worse as the weeks go on

then its suction time again

hannahg profile image

My bout when I was 10 bm pneumococcal left me with alot of problems with my ear gunk and ear infections, I also lost all my hearing in right ear and some in left, I saw an ent specialist about six months after meningitis and he gave my mom the following advice:

No ear buds or cotton buds to be put in my ear as your body reacts like it's a foreign body at times and this can cause inflammation and production of excess fluids

Avoid my ears getting wet when washing my hair or entering the water

I wasn't to go swimming in public places, increases risk of infection

Not to go swimming in pool with chloride

Every six months I used an antibiotic type goush

I had antibiotic drops which mom had to tilt my head and get the drops in making as little contact as she could to my ear this was a little difficult at first and she had to materialize the model every time they was used

My pillow was to be turned over to the other side I slept on so one day one side, sixteen next day turned over then the third day washed so never slept on same pillowcase after one night reducing 're-infection

After a year I was fully infection free, and inflammation gone

I still had hearing loss but adapted well

I still try to follow most of the advice even though it was 14 years ago as once you have problems with ears they can be more delicate

Reducing contact to water to ear and not poking or placing items in the ear can help prevent infection for everyone and also helps reduce symptoms once present, hope this helps

kat12 profile image

Thanks for you comments, il definitely give it all a go. My son loves his baths but il try to limit the water that goes on his face and ears, it will be interesting to see If it helps. I also try not to use cotton buds as he wriggles lots and woulId hate for it to jab him!

Well il let everyone know the outcome to his next hearing test :)

Thank you for your support


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