I was in icu and then hospital for over a week. Apart from facing death myself, bereaving, supporting his and my children i am suffering pains in my legs and joints, is this normal? How long will this last? I feel guilty that they saved me and not him. I have peace that we both went down the same angels tunnel together, only being the soulmate he was he sacrificed himself to give me a fighting chance. I know he didnt suffer because i didnt at the time, i dont remember anything other than waking up in hospital, in the early hours, to the same Drs who had been dealing with my husband the previous morning. I was with him when he died only to find myself fighting for my life later that day. For everyone involved this has been a rare and shocking situation we are in our 40s. I have physical, emotional and mental pain but im still living and owe it to my soulmate to be thankful for that! Im a positive thinker and i will get through this and i intend to help others too. Please tell me the leg pain will go tho?!! X
Both my husband and I contracted Meningococ... - Meningitis Now
Both my husband and I contracted Meningococcal septicemia, strain B, 4 weeks ago sadly they couldnt save him but they did save me.

On behalf of everyone at Meningitis Now, please accept our sincere condolences. I have sent you a private message,
Such a sad sad story, my heart goes out to you.
I had bacterial meningitus 2 years ago at the age of 50. The leg pains are horrendous I know, mine took about 8 months to settle back down. unfortunatly its a long slow road to recovery.
Wishing you all the best for the future x
Hi stevie1961,
My 22 year old fiancee contracted tb meningitis in july 2013. She's still having terrilble pain in leg specially the left leg. She's still unable to walk and need a good support to walk a little. She's having physical therapy daily but she never exercise on her own because of pain. Please guide me what exercises and other things can help her.
I didn't do any exercises just long walks around the local mountain tops. Pushing a bit further every time. Your fiancé probably feels fatigued but you have to push on. I've learned that unless you've had meningitis it's extremely difficult to explain how you feel as it's not the same from one minute to the next. Patience is the key. I've learned that much since. We are the lucky ones.
don't try and rush things, I'm about 90 percent back to full health after two and a half years.
I was prescribed amitryptyline for the leg pains and they worked. They are a former of antidepressant that also works on the nerves. I don't take them anymore and that pains have subsided over time. Just dull aches now.
hope that helps and good luck to you both.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. But it does sound like you're on your way to recovery!
I also had meningococcal septicaemia, and DIC. I was 33. Your leg pain WILL dissipate. After 4 months in the hospital, I was able to walk, but very very slowly as I had to "shuffle along" like a 97 yr old.
After 10 months my LEG pain was basically gone but the pain in my TOES area was horrendous! At 10 mos I FINALLY could tolerate a shoe... a very wide man's sandal (I'm female). A year later I could tolerate a female sandal...but not a closed toe shoe. It was 10 years before I could tolerate a closed toe flat shoe.
It's now been 37 years and I have found ONE comfortable closed toe shoe (I bought out the manufacturer) but I still can't wear heels for more than about 10 minutes before the pain becomes unbearable.
But that's the ONLY aftereffect I have now. My life is WONDERFUL. I have a daily headache but it's successfully treated with ONE Excedrin. (Package instructions dosage is TWO tablets but thankfully only one tablet stops the headache.)
I love your "positive attitude" comment. I had/have that too. Even with the foot pain, for the past 12 years I've been in a tap & jazz dance troupe that rehearses 10 hrs/week. (We've won many dance competitions and were even on 'America's Got Talent'.)
You're going thru the most physical pain part now. Your leg pain WILL get better...MUCH better!
Sorry I have no advice just sincere condolences,wishing you luck with your recovery xxxx